Page 45 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
            Table 1: Preoperative ultrasonographic findings with their incidence of easy and difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy
             Ultrasonography findings      Findings           Easy            Difficult       Total        p-value
             GB wall thickness             ≤4 mm            51 (79.7%)       13 (20.3%)        64          0.000
                                           >4 mm             9 (25.0%)       27 (75.0%)        36
             GB size                       <5 cm             8 (80.0%)        2 (20.0%)        10          0.308
                                           ≥5 cm            52 (57.8%)       38 (42.2%)        90
             CBD size                      <6 mm            53 (62.4%)       32 (37.6%)        85          0.253
                                           ≥6 mm             7 (46.7%)        8 (53.3%)        15
             Size of calculus              <1 cm            46 (70.8%)       19 (29.2%)        65          0.003
                                           ≥1 cm            14 (40.0%)       21 (60.0%)        35
             GB stone motility             Mobile           55 (68.8%)       25 (31.3%)        80          0.000
                                           Impacted          5 (25.0%)       15 (75.0%)        20
             Pericholecystic fluid collection  No           44 (72.1%)       17 (27.9%)        61          0.002
                                           Yes              16 (41.0%)       23 (59.0%)        39
            GB, gallbladder

            Table 2: Diagnostic accuracy of preoperative ultrasonographic findings for predicting the difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
                                                                       Diagnostic accuracy
             Ultrasonography findings        Sensitivity (%)  Specificity (%)  PPV (%)    NPV (%)      Accuracy (%)
             GB wall thickness (>4 mm)          67.5             85.0          75.0         79.7          78
             GB size (≥5 cm)                    95.0             13.3          42.2         80.0          70
             CBD size (≥6 mm)                   20.0             88.3          53.3         62.4          46
             Size of calculus (≥1 cm)           52.5             76.7          60.0         70.8          61
             GB stone motility (impacted)       37.5             91.7          75.0         68.8          67
             Pericholecystic fluid collection (yes)  57.5        73.3          59.0         72.1          67
            GB, gallbladder; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value

            a rise in preoperative USG score, the percentage of difficult   Table 3: Preoperative ultrasonography score with their incidence of easy
            laparoscopic cholecystectomies done is higher.     and difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy
               Among the 100 patients, 60 patients had an easy laparoscopic         Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            cholecystectomy and 40 patients had a difficult cholecystectomy.   Preoperative
                                                                USG score      Easy     Difficult  Total   p-value
            dIscussIon                                          0–1          20 (87.0%)    3 (13.0%)  23   0.000
            Determining the factors that can predict a difficult laparoscopic   2–3  40 (65.6%)  21 (34.4%)  61  0.000
            cholecystectomy preoperatively based on ultrasound findings was   ≥4  0     16 (100.0%)  16    0.000
            the aim of our study. Our primary objective was to validate a cut-off
            score from the score formulated by preoperative ultrasonography   Table 4: Diagnostic accuracy of preoperative ultrasonography score for
            findings that are specific to the GB and thereby predicting a difficult     predicting the difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In our study, we also tried to find the
            most commonly associated finding that is specific to the GB that           Diagnostic accuracy
            correlates with a difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  Preoperative   Sensitivity   Specificity   PPV   NPV   Accuracy
               There are many Western works of literature available that   USG score  (%)  (%)  (%)  (%)    (%)
            studied the relationship between preoperative ultrasonography   0–1    13.0  51.95    7.5  66.67  43.0
            findings and intraoperative surgical outcomes. In India, there
            are not that many studies available to correlate preoperative   2–3    34.4  51.28  52.5  33.33  41.0
            ultrasonography findings and intraoperative surgical outcomes.  ≥4  100.0  71.43  40.0  100.0  76.0
               In this study, we took a total of six parameters that are   PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value
            significant in predicting GB pathology. They were of the thickness
            of more than 4 mm of the wall of the GB, size of distension of the   more than or equal to 1 cm, and the existence of fluid collection
            GB of more than or equal to 5 cm, the CBD caliber size of more than   around the GB. The surgical outcomes were divided into easy
            or equal to 6 mm, GB stone impacted at the neck, GB stone size   difficult and very difficult based on the intraoperative findings

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 3 (September–December 2022)  231
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