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            Table 4: Number of postoperative complications     with the previous studies that have reported a similar lower
            Postoperative complication   LA (N = 63)  OA (N = 65)  p value  operating time in LA group. 3–5
                                                                  Usually, a longer operating time in LA occurs because of the
            Surgical site infection (SSI)  2 (3.17%)  7 (10.75%)  0.002  lower experience of the surgeons performing the surgeries. Two
            PONV                   30 (47.61%)  20 (30.76%)  0.62  factors are usually dependent on the experience of the surgeons:
            Intra-abdominal abscess    1 (1.58%)  1 (1.53%)  0.15  blood loss and operating time. With the increased experience of
            Readmission                0         0             the surgeon the blood loss and operating time both decrease.
                                                               Even, the pathological conditions of appendicitis also dictate
               Table 4 describes the postoperative complications reported   the amount of blood loss and operating time.  In our study also
            in the follow-up period. A significant difference was reported in   blood loss was significantly lower in the LA group compared to
            the wound infection among the LA and OA groups. In the OA   the OA group.
            group wound infection was significantly higher (10.75%) than in   The present study also reported a shorter hospital stay for
            the LA group (3.17%). No other adverse events were reported to   the patients who underwent the LA procedure. Hospital stay is
            be statistically different.                        another factor that increases the cost of the operation and poses
                                                               an economic burden on the patient. Though we did not compare
                                                               the cost of both the technique, it is quite apparent that the cost
            dIscussIon                                         will be lower in the LA group. Our result is consistent with the
            Appendicitis is the most common condition that requires surgical   early studies that pointed out significant lower hospital stay in
            intervention. Any patient presenting with an acute abdomen    LA group. 11,16
            should always consider appendicitis, and proper diagnosis of the   Patients who had undergone OA took more time to get back
            condition still poses a challenge.  Laparoscopic surgeries have   to their normal activities (15 ± 3.1). On the other hand, patients
            gained much attention in the last decade. In gall stone diseases   who underwent the LA took less time to resume normal activity
            and many other surgical procedures, the laparoscopic technique   (12 ± 2.3). Our study also reported lower incidences of SSI in the LA
            has proved to be effective and safe. 11            group. In the OA group, wound infection was significantly higher
               After the first report of LA was reported in 1999 in Taiwan,   (10.75%) than in the LA group (3.17%). This could be because in OA
            this technique became popular worldwide. In many of the   direct exposure of the wound site occurs in the procedure. Whereas,
            studies, comparison of this technique with the OA was done and   in the LA, the specimen was removed using an extraction bag. This
            it was demonstrated that this technique is well tolerated. 11–13  This   finding also is similar to the previous finding by Shimoda et al.
            technique has several advantages over the open procedures in   However, the instances of PONV were higher in the LA group. None
            several surgical sections being a minimally invasive surgery. It   of the group patients required readmission.
            was also shown that this procedure with regard to less pain, lower
            recovery time, and better cosmetic appearance had some of the  conclusIon
            advantages that this technique has over the OA procedure. 13  Our findings revealed that LA has many advantages over OA,
               However, contrasting opinions are also available that have   including a shorter hospital stay, earlier return to work, and a
            reported not many changes between the LA and OA approaches.   lower risk of wound infection. Also, we discovered that patients in
            Hence, no consensus idea exists on this topic. In this present study,   the laparoscopic group had a strong preference (during consent
            the clinical outcome between the OA and LA was conducted and we   collection) and high satisfaction after surgery.
            hope that the study results will be able to help future researchers
            to conduct a large cohort study.                   Clinical Significance
               In the present study among the total 128 patients, 63 were   LA should be considered secure and similarly effective to open
            included in the LA group and 65 people were in the OA group.   surgery if surgical experience and equipment are available. It could
            No statistically significant difference was observed between   be used as the first treatment of choice in most cases of suspected
            both the groups with respect to age, gender, WBC count, and   appendicitis, as it significantly reduces postoperative complications
            co-morbidities. However, in the level of C-reactive protein   and improves the surgical outcome.
            (CRP), a significant difference was observed between LA and CA
            patients. Patients who underwent OA had a higher level of CRP   references
            compared to the LA group. In the past, it was reported that CRP
            level can predict the occurrence of SSI in appendectomy cases     1.  Kurtz RJ, Heimann TM. Comparison of open and laparoscopic
                                                                    treatment of acute appendicitis. Am J Surg 2001;182(3):211–214. DOI:
            independently. 14                                       10.1016/s0002-9610(01)00694-8.
               In the study participants, maximum of the patients had     2.  Guller U, Hervey S, Purves H, et  al. Laparoscopic versus
            uncomplicated acute appendicitis and gangrenous appendicitis   open appendectomy: outcomes comparison based on a large
            was reported in 4.76% of the cases in the LA group and 9.23% of   administrative database. Ann Surg 2004;239(1):43. DOI: 10.1097/01.
            the patients in the OA group. This is also an interesting finding as   sla.0000103071.35986.c1.
            other than CRP level pathology of the condition has also shown to     3.  Shaikh AR, Sangrasi AK, Shaikh GA. Clinical outcomes of laparoscopic
            be associated with the SSI among appendectomy patients. 14  versus open appendectomy. JSLS 2009;13(4):574–580. DOI: 10.4293/
               In the present study, longer operating time was reported in     4.  Hellberg A, Rudberg C, Kullman E, et al. Prospective randomized
            the OA group. In the LA group, the operating was almost 4 minutes   multicentre study of laparoscopic versus open appendicectomy. Br
            slower than the OA group. However, this difference was not found   J Surg 1999;86(1):48–53. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2168.1999.00971.x.
            to be statistically significant. The operating time measured in this     5.  Ortega AE, Hunter JG, Peters JH, et al. A prospective, randomized
            study is skin-to-skin time. This present study result is in accordance   comparison of laparoscopic appendectomy with open

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