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            A Laparoscopic Approach of a Very Large Ovarian Cyst in

            Young Female

            Mukesh Carpenter

             Large ovarian cysts are ovary tumors with diameters more than 10 cm. Nowadays days these cases are rarely seen because they are diagnosed
             and managed early due to the ease of access to good imaging modalities. Benign serous cystadenoma is the most common type of epithelial
             neoplasm with benign serous cystadenoma ¾ and mucinous cystadenoma ¼. During the surgical management of large ovarian cysts in young
             girls, the main goal to keep in mind is the preservation of the reproductive and hormonal function of the ovaries. In this paper, the author
             represents a case report of a young female diagnosed with a very large ovarian cyst with a diameter of approximately 30 cm managed using
             laparoscopic surgery.
             Keywords: Benign ovarian cyst, Laparoscopy, Minimal access surgery, Ovary.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1496

                                                               Department of Surgery, Alshifa Hospital, New Delhi, India
            The most common cause of pelvic masses in women is ovarian   Corresponding Author: Mukesh Carpenter, Department of Surgery,
            cysts and the majority of the cases can be seen in the fertile age-  Alshifa Hospital, New Delhi, India, Phone: +91 98999161704, e-mail:
            group. In India, it has been observed that nearly 10% of the female
            population undergo a surgical approach for ovarian cyst during her   How to cite this article: Carpenter M. A Laparoscopic Approach
            lifespan. Epithelial neoplasm of the ovary account for more than   of a  Very Large Ovarian Cyst in  Young Female.  World J Lap Surg
            half of all ovarian tumors and almost 40% are benign tumors.  Most   2022;15(1):58–64.
            of the large ovarian cysts are benign and are generally treated via.   Source of support: Nil
            surgical excision such as cystectomy or salpingo-oophorectomy.
            At the early stage, most cases seem to be asymptomatic and cause   Conflict of interest: None
            symptoms only after reaching a stage of massive dimension. The
            clinical symptoms mainly include vaginal bleeding, progressive   No bowel and urinary disturbance. No history of any gynecological
            abdominal distension, early satiety, imprecise diffuse abdominal   malignancy in the family. No history of any surgical intervention
            pain, constipation, vomiting, and recurrent micturition. 2,3  in past.
               Nowadays benign ovarian cysts of more than 10 cm are rarely   On examination abdominal distended above the umbilicus
            encountered due to early diagnosis and treatment. Laparoscopy   bilateral flanks are full, fluid thrill present. Per vaginal examination
            is the treatment of preference in most cases, but the size of the   fullness is present mainly on the right side. Her routine blood
            cyst can be a limiting factor.  With the increased ovarian cyst size,   investigation and serum tumor markers were well within the
            the complication of a minimally invasive technique also increases   normal range (Beta HCG—0.36 mIU/mL, CA125—8.6). Serum CA-125
            due to problems in creating a pneumoperitoneum, decrease in   assay is a useful tool that helps to distinguish between benign and
            visibility and surgical mobility. All the listed factors result in a high   malignant ovarian masses. The combination of normal findings
            risk of intraoperative spillage. In literature, several case reports are   at serum CA-125 assay, imaging, and clinical findings exclude the
            present where different surgical techniques are used to reduce   possibility of ovarian cancer. 8
            abdominal spillage, but these techniques are not suitable for a
            larger ovarian cyst that occupy the whole abdominal cavity. Sevelda   Ultrasound
            et al.  also state that the intraoperative rupture of ovarian cyst did
            not influence the prognosis. The author studied the survival of   A large anechoic mass with internal septation arising from the
            patients with moderately and poorly differentiated stage 1 ovarian   pelvis extending up to epigastrium and bilateral lumbar region
            carcinoma and concluded that no differences in the survival rate   approximate size 28 cm × 23 cm × 20 cm, volume approximate
            between the patients with intraoperative cyst rupture. 6,7  4875 mL, displacing the bowel and other visceral organs. Bilateral
                                                               ovaries are not separately visualized.

            cAse PresentAtIon                                  CECT Abdomen and Pelvis
            My patient is a 26-year unmarried female belonging to a middle-  Large nonenhancing capsulated thin-walled with internal septation
            class family who came with complaints of progressive abdominal   tubo-ovarian cystic mass arising from the right side of pelvis size
            distension, vague abdominal pain, hyperacidity for a few   30 cm × 22 cm × 23 cm, volume almost 5000 mL occupying whole
            months. She also gave a history of heavy flow during her last two   abdomen extending up to epigastrium and bilateral lumbar region
            menstruation cycles; her cycles are 28-days 3–4 days of bleeding.   repelling the bowel and other visceral organs. Uterus pushed to

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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