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            Laparoscopic vs Open Appendectomy: Comparison on

            Clinical Outcome

            Ahmed Salim Khazaal

             Aim: In the past years, studies have reported the superiority of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) over open appendectomy (OA) in randomized
             studies. Hence, this prospective study was designed to evaluate the clinical outcome of LA compared to the OA.
             Methods: All the patients who were diagnosed with appendicitis and visited Tikrit Teaching Hospital in the study period were included in this
             study. They were divided into two groups: LA and OA groups. The two groups were compared on operating time, hospital stay, the incidence
             of surgical site infection, and other postsurgical complications.
             Results: In the present study, a total of 128 patients (who visited Tikrit Teaching Hospital in Iraq) were included. Among them, 63 were included
             in the LA group and 65 people were in the OA group. The only significant difference that was observed in LA and OA group was in CRP count. In
             the OA group, the CRP count was significantly higher compared to the LA group (p = 0.024). The mean operating time was almost comparable
             between the LA and OA group. Blood loss was higher in the OA group and the difference was statistically significant (p = 0.038). Even hospital
             stay was also shown to be statistically higher in the OA group. A significant difference was reported in the wound infection among the LA and
             OA groups. In the OA group, wound infection was significantly higher (10.75%) than in the LA group (3.17%). No other adverse events were
             reported to be statistically different.
             Conclusion: Our findings revealed that LA has many advantages over OA, including a shorter hospital stay, earlier return to work, and a lower
             risk of wound infection.
             Clinical significance: LA significantly reduces postoperative complications and improves the surgical outcome.
             Keywords: Appendicitis, Hospital stay, Laparoscopic appendectomy.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2022): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1484

                                                               Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, Tikrit University, Tikrit,
            The most common surgical emergency encountered in any surgical   Iraq
            unit is appendicitis. It is the most common condition requiring   Corresponding Author: Ahmed Salim Khazaal, Department of
            appendectomy. The lifetime risk of appendicitis is 6%. In the general   Surgery, College  of Medicine,  Tikrit University,  Tikrit, Iraq, Phone:
            population, acute appendicitis is reported in approximately 7–10%   +7702097970, e-mail:
            of people. The most commonly acute appendicitis is reported in   How to cite this article: Khazaal AS. Laparoscopic vs Open
            people who are in their second or third decade of life. 1  Appendectomy: Comparison on Clinical Outcome. World J Lap Surg
               However, it was reported that the rate of morbidity associated   2022;15(1):54–57.
            with open appendectomy (OA) is around 11% with an overall   Source of support: Nil
            mortality rate of 0.3%. 2                          Conflict of interest: None
               Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) was introduced in 1983 by
            a German gynecologist named Kurt Semm. After the introduction
            of LA, it became popular. In the field of cholecystectomy, the   Hence, it is quite evident that, unlike other laparoscopic
            laparoscopic approach has become the gold standard and   procedures, in appendectomy, there exists no consensus whether
            encouraged by its success in this field even in other surgical fields;   LA is a better option compared with OA. Further, it is also not clear
            also this technique has gained popularity. 3       if this procedure can be performed regularly for all the patients.
               In the past years, studies have reported the superiority of LA   Moreover, in developing countries like India, there are not many
            over OA in randomized studies.  This technique had shown to   studies that have been done in this field.
            have advantages over OA procedures in terms of lower wound   Hence, this prospective study was designed to evaluate the
            infections, fewer incidences of vomiting, less pain, and also shown   clinical outcome of LA compared to the OA including the hospital
            to be associated with reduced hospital stays and faster recovery   stay, operating time, development of postoperative complications,
            time.  In contrast, it was also reported that operating time is more   and time to resume normal activity.
            in the LA group and is associated with higher cost.  Moreover, some
            of the studies failed to show any higher efficacy of LA over OA. 7,8
               The most common complication faced in the OA is the surgical   MAterIAls And Methods
            site infection (SSI). This is the most common problem that increases   This prospective study was conducted in Tikrit Teaching Hospital
            the hospital stay and cost of the procedure. It was noted that in   in Iraq, from a period between May 2019 and December 2020. At
            OA the chances of SSI are more and this significantly increases the   the beginning of the study ethical clearance was taken from the
            length of the hospital stay. 9                     institutional ethics committee. All the patients who were diagnosed

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            org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
            the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
            Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
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