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Conversion to a Banded Gastric Bypass
            Sleeve Gastrectomy                                 (range 7–60). Follow-up rate was 70.2% after the revision at 1, 2,
            Veress needle is used to get access to the abdomen. The optics   and 3 years, for patients eligible for a 3-year follow-up after BGBP.
            are implanted through a 12 mm supra umbilical port. In the   Mean patient age was 43.2 ± 12.8 years and 32 (51.6%) were
            midclavicular line, a second 12 mm port is put under vision in   female. Before the SG, the average starting weight in this study
            line with the optical port. In the midclavicular line, two 5 mm   was 113.5 ± 20.5 kg and the BMI 41.71 ± 8.1 kg/m . Thirteen (20.9%)
            ports are inserted in the right and left subcostal regions. The   had Type II diabetes mellitus (T2D), 21 (33.8%) hypertension (HTN),
            liver is retracted using a Nathanson liver retractor. Transecting   and 10 (16.12%) sleep apnea (SA) (Table 1). At the nadir, the average
            the omentum along the larger curvature away from the stomach,   weight was 92.4 ± 16.1 kg and at revision was 100.5 ± 14.9 kg. After
            commencing at a location 2–3 cm from the pylorus up to the gastro   conversion, the average additional weight loss was 15.02.6 kg,
            esophageal junction, exposing the left crus, is how a laparoscopic   which was statistically significant (p = 0.001). The mean weight after
            SG is conducted. The sleeve is created by transecting the stomach   conversion were 25.9 ± 10.1, 29.7 ± 9.2, and 26.9 ± 9.6 at 1-, 2-, and
            with a green Ethicon stapler starting 5 cm from the pylorus.   3-year follow-up, respectively. Weight loss trends %TWL and %EWL
            The stapled resection of the stomach is completed using blue   and rates are summarized in Figure 1 and Table 2.
            staplers and a 36 Fr bougie in the stomach, resulting in a 70–90 cc   At the time of revision, T2D and HTN resolution rates were 50.0
            sleeve. Endoscopy is used after surgery to check for leaks, internal   and 62.5%, respectively. With the revision procedure, the resolution
            hemorrhage, pouch patency, and a clean distal channel. Clips are   of comorbidities was marginally improved (70.0 and 78.6%). All of
            used to produce hemostasis. Normally, no drains are installed. If   the T2D patients had a hemoglobin A1-C (HbA1-c) level of less than
            vital indicators are normal, patients are started on a liquid diet   6% and were not on any diabetic medicines. Patients with HTN
            the day after.                                     now had blood pressure (BP) of less than 120/80 mm Hg without
                                                               taking any drugs, and there were no patients with SA based on
            Banded Gastric Bypass                              no subjective symptoms. Comorbidity resolution trends showed
            To get access within the abdomen, a veress needle is utilized. For   in Figure 2.
            the optics, a 12 mm supra umbilical port is used. In the midclavicular   At our center, the average operational time for primary BGBP
            line, another 12 mm port is put under eyesight in line with the   is 693.5 minutes. As a result, reoperative surgery took 21 minutes
            optical port. In the midclavicular line, two 5 mm ports are inserted   longer on average (p = 0.003). The average length of stay in the
            in the right and left subcostal regions. For the retraction of the   hospital after surgery was 3 days. There were no anastomotic
            liver, a Nathanson liver retractor is used. A harmonic scalpel is used
            to detach adhesions. To minimize harm to the remaining sleeve’s   Table 1: Preoperative: patient profile at baseline
            serosa, careful dissection is performed to mobilize the omentum
            linked to the larger curvature.                     Initial SG (n = 62)
               The lesser omentum is dissected at a location 6–7 cm from the   Age ; years              43.24 ± 12.84
            gastroesophageal junction to create a gastric pouch. A horizontal   Gender Male/Female ; n (%)  30 (48.4%)/32 (51.6%)
            blue cartridge is shot when the smaller sac is inserted, followed by   Weight ; kg       113.5 ± 20.5
            two vertical loads fired close to a 36 Fr bougie. The specimen is the   Height ; cm         1.65 ± 0.10
            extra sleeve pouch that has been transected. A 7-cm GaBP ring is   Body mass index ; kg/m 2  41.71 ± 8.1
            wrapped around the pouch 3–5 cm below the gastroesophageal   Diabetes ; n (%)           13 (20.9%)
            junction. A nonabsorbable suture is used to secure the ring to the   †
            staple line on the larger curvature. The ligament of Treitz is used to   Hyperseptation ; n (%)  21 (33.8%)
            produce a 120 cm Roux limb and an 80 cm biliopancreatic limb. End   Sleep apnea ; n (%)    10 (16.12%)
            to side, a gastrointestinal anastomosis of 2–3 cm is created between   * Data showed as means with standard deviation;  Categorical variables
            the pouch and the Roux limb. At least 2 cm above the anastomosis,   showed as number of cases (n) and percentages
            the ring should be placed. Nonabsorbable sutures are used to
            close the Peterson’s and mesenteric defects. Clips are used to
            produce hemostasis. Normally, no drains are installed. If vital
            indicators are normal, patients are started on a liquid diet the day
            Statistical Analysis
            The means and standard deviations of descriptive and continuous
            variables were provided. The number of cases (n) and percentages
            was used to represent categorical variables. In continuous variables,
            a general linear repeat measurement test was used to estimate
            averages between revision surgery at one, two, and 3 years. To
            determine if differences were significant, the two-sample t test or
            two-proportions technique was utilized. All two-sided p values of
            <0.05 were commonly considered statistically significant.

            A total of 62 patients underwent conversion of a SG to BGBP at
            our institution. The mean time to revision was 27.0 ± 13.1 months   Fig. 1: Weight loss trends after BGBP conversion (%TWL and %EWL)

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