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Editorial                                                                        10.5005/wjols-15-1-v

            I am happy to write this editorial of World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery issue of January–April 2022, Volume 15,
            Number 1. As I am writing my first editor’s letter of the year 2022, I cannot help but look back and wonder, where
            did 2021 go? After the short, sharp shock of Omicron, the pandemic phase of COVID-19 looks to be ending for
            most locations, unless a significant and severe new variant emerges. In this issue Short-term Outcomes after
            Bariatric Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic is an interesting article.
               I am thankful that in the past year we published many interesting articles in WJOLS. In this first issue of
            2022, we have many interesting articles regarding laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Factors Affecting Conversion
            of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy to Open Surgery and Study of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
            and Its Outcome According to Preoperative Scoring System are interesting articles you must go through. For
            gynecologists, Laparoscopic Management of Uncommon Presentations of Ectopic Pregnancy is an interesting article.
               Prospects for the rest of the year and beyond hinge on the questions of whether and when future variants will emerge. We might
            then expect to see a seasonality-driven wave of disease by next fall of winter, but I am sure that hospitalizations would likely peak well
            below the level of the wave we just experienced. A new variant may yet trigger another chapter in the COVID-19 pandemic and societies
            must be prepared to respond if and when that happens. But for now, the pandemic phase looks to be ending.
               We should pray for those with the coronavirus, those who care for them, and our doctor friends those who are suffering from anxiety
            during this stressful time.
                                                                                                       RK Mishra
                                                                                          World Laparoscopy Hospital
                                                                                            Gurugram, Haryana, India

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)  v
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