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Bariatric Surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic
            Table 2: Outcomes (Clavien-Dindo classification—CD)  malattie metaboliche (SICOB) have recommended the cessation of
            Overall morbidity                           3      bariatric surgery. 2,18,19  However, The American Society of Bariatric
            Postoperative intractable nausea and vomiting (PONV)  1 (CD i)  and Metabolic Surgery have categorically stated that metabolic
            Postoperative bleed                      1 (CD iiib)  surgery is not elective and disagrees with the concept that bariatric
                                                               surgery should be postponed until the pandemic is declared over.
            Anastomotic/staple line leak             1 (CD iiib)  Studies confirm a survival benefit with metabolic surgery and its
            Wound infection                             1      ability to significantly improve life-threatening obesity-related
            Pneumonia                                1 (CD ii)  conditions. 21,22  Moreover, Prachand et al. have labeled this as
            Acute kidney injury                      1 (CD iva)  “medically necessary time-sensitive surgery.”  Delays for months
            In-hospital mortality                       0      and potentially years, given the huge backlog, will unquestionably
            Median length of hospital stay, days     1 (1–44)  lead to the detriment of these patients and result in an increased
            30-day readmission rate                     1      burden on the healthcare system.
                                                                  As the COVID-19 infection and mortality rates in Devon had
                                                               been relatively low, urgent elective and cancer surgery continued
            dependency unit (HDU) for 3 days and she was discharged on   throughout the pandemic with good outcomes.  Along with a
            the 7th postoperative day. One patient underwent preplanned   thorough risk assessment and support from hospital management,
            monitoring in HDU due to preexisting dialysis-dependent chronic   bariatric surgery was restarted as the rate of infection decreased
            kidney disease. He was transferred to the surgical ward on     and lockdown restrictions eased from June 2020 onward. The
            day 1 and discharged on the following day. One patient with   principle finding of this study is that bariatric surgery can be
            RYGB presented to emergency department with complaints of   safely performed with the necessary precautions in an area with
            severe nausea and vomiting 10 days following surgery. A barium   a relatively low infection rate. We have steadily continued with
            swallow did not reveal any mechanical obstruction. Her symptoms   bariatric procedures even through the second UK lockdown (from
            settled with antiemetics and she was discharged home the next   November 5 to December 3, 2020). As far as we are aware, there
            day. One patient who underwent RYGB developed hemodynamic   have been no reports on outcomes after bariatric surgery during
            instability on the second postoperative day. A relook laparoscopy   the COVID-19 pandemic. Our cohort of patients had a median age of
            was converted to a laparotomy, washout, and drain placement for   51 years and a median BMI of 42.9 with over 75% of patients classed
            a leak at the gastrojejunal anastomosis. He suffered acute kidney   as “severely obese.” Over two-thirds of them had more than one
            injury and required intensive therapy unit (ITU) support for 10 days.   obesity-related comorbidity. In addition, training occurred in almost
            He was discharged after 44 days, eating and drinking when a barium   half the cases. Despite this, complication rates compare favorably
            swallow confirmed resolution of leak.              with international standards. 25–27
               All patients were followed up at 6 weeks. The median (range)   This study has potential limitations. Observational studies
            excess weight loss (%EWL) was 24.4% (−0.9–53.6), taking a BMI   are understandably prone to selection bias. However, this was
            of 25 kg/m  as target. The median difference in BMI was 4.2    minimized as we reported a consecutive series of patients
            (−0.4–9.6). The median loss of weight in kilograms was 12.8    prospectively and we followed our usual practice of operating on
            (−1.2–25.4) which translated to a median 9.52% (−0.5–21.1) loss   patients according to their place on our urgent waiting list. There
            of total body weight. No patients developed any respiratory   was no additional screening of patients to gauge their suitability
            symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 even during the “second   for bariatric surgery, outside of the usual tier-3 weight management
            wave” of the pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK). There were   program. This is a 6-month cohort with adequate follow-up and
            no patients lost to follow-up.                     we felt it was important to report our encouraging outcomes to
                                                               provide evidence for the resumption of elective bariatric surgery
            dIscussIon                                         during this phase of the pandemic, with COVID cases continuing to
            The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of the   be reported in the community amid ongoing vaccination programs.
            obesity crisis as it is an independent risk factor for severe illness and   There are numerous factors that allowed us to recommence
            death from COVID-19. 11,12  Even prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the   this service safely. Firstly, patients were subjected to early and
            stigma surrounding obesity has been known to lead to delays and   rapid testing. The relatively low rate of COVID-19 infection in our
            underutilization of bariatric surgery. 13          population meant that our hospital was not overwhelmed with
               The pandemic will result in further delays because of limited   infected cases, thus reducing the risk of in-hospital transmission.
            resources and the misconception that such surgery should be the last   There are various ways of measuring the rate of infection and
            resort.  A lack of understanding about the complex nature of obesity   risk of transmission in a population. The reproduction number or
            has led to the suggestion that these patients can simply be put on a   R number is the average number of secondary infections produced
            diet until the pandemic is over. The increased morbidity and mortality   by one infected person.  Although this has limitations in areas with
            in obese patients with COVID-19 have understandably resulted in   a small number of cases and geographies smaller than at regional
            a cautious approach toward the resumption of elective bariatric   level, it can be a guide to aid decision-making for restarting
            procedures in the current climate. However, our patient population   bariatric services. Interestingly nationally reported R numbers
            are reporting increased levels of anxiety over the media coverage   for the southwest were consistently less than one during the
            regarding the link between obesity and adverse outcomes with    time period under review. As widespread and increasingly more
            COVID-19. Patients are anxious to undergo their bariatric surgery   convenient methods of antibody testing are being implemented,
            to reduce these risks that have been documented in the published   this may prove to be another tool for decision-making in the near
            literature. 15–17                                  future. 29,30
               Numerous societies including the IFSO, Diabetes Surgery   The definite diagnosis of COVID-19 is based on virus isolation
            Summit (DSS), and Società Italiana di Chirurgia dell’Obesità e   or a positive result of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test from

             28   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)
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