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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Situs Inversus Totalis

            Fig. 1: Showing gallbladder dissection from the liver bed

            Table 1: Descriptive data of patients
            Sl. No.  Age (years)  Gender   Comorbidity           Operative technique   Year  Postoperative complication
            1           45       Female    Hypothyroid, hypertension  Conventional mirror image  2005  Nil
            2           34       Female             Nil          Conventional mirror image  2006     Nil
            3           33       Female             Nil          Conventional mirror image  2011     Nil
            4           32       Female             Nil          Modified mirror image  2012         Nil
            5           14       Female             Nil          French                2021          Nil
            delineated and cholecystectomy was done using the duct first   The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in SIT patients was
            method (Fig. 1). The gallbladder was retrieved either through the   performed by Campos and Sipes.  Since then, more than 90 cases
            epigastric or midclavicular port. All recorded data was analyzed   have been reported in the literature and none has mentioned any
            and results were interpreted.                      complication despite the difficulty in ergonomics in SIT patients.
                                                               However multiple techniques have been put forward in order
                                                               to ease the biliary dissection.  In our study we used multiple
            results                                            techniques like a conventional mirror image, modified mirror image,
            Our study included five patients with the mean age of 31.6 years   and French technique. In neither case, any complication occurred
            (14–45 years). As shown in Table 1. All the patients were females.   despite dissection difficulty in mirror image, nor was any case
            Our patients presented with complaints of epigastric pain (2),   converted to open. The meticulous dissection is the only option
            dyspepsia (1), and pain in the left upper abdomen (2). There was no   of safety in this group of people. Our study had similar results as
            associated cardiac anomaly in our patients. Only a single patient was   other case reports, studies or, reviews done earlier. 10,15
            hypothyroid and had hypertension, and was on optimum treatment.
            The first three patients were operated using the conventional
            mirror image technique, the fourth one by modified mirror image   conclusIon
            and the last one using French technique. In initial cases, operating   SIT is a rare congenital anomaly. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy
            time was 45–50 minutes which decreased up to 35–40 minutes in   is a safe approach with meticulous dissection in these patients
            the last cases. This decrease in operating time was due to a better   with cholelithiasis. Technical difficulties could be overcome due
            understanding of operative ergonomics in SIT patients. All patients   to learning and better understatement of ergonomics of these
            were discharged on the first postoperative day after tolerating   patients.
            orals and with the satisfactory condition on discharge. There was
            no intra- or postoperative complication in our study. There was no   orcId
            30-day mortality in our patients.
                                                               Irshad A Kumar

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                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)  19
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