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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis
                                 Table 2: USG findings for the patients
                                  Characteristics/parameters   ELC group (n = 50)  DLC group (n = 50)  p value
                                  Gallstones: Single     7 (14)         5 (10)       0.538
                                                        Multiple  43 (86)  45 (90)
                                  Thickened GB         48 (96)        42 (84)        0.840
                                  Distended GB         46 (92)        47 (94)        0.768
                                  Pericholecystic fluid  22 (44)      20 (40)        0.536
                                  Murphy’s sign        45 (90)        46 (92)        0.167

                             Table 3: Intraoperative findings, modification, and complications
                                                           ELC group (n = 50)  DLC group (n = 50)  p value
                             Intraoperative finding
                             Mean operative time (minute)  77.30 ± 20.078  66.94 ± 29.501  <0.001
                             Mean blood loss (mL)          82.60 ± 59.67  65.40 ± 74.21    0.007
                             Conversion to open Cholecystectomy  5 (10)   7 (14)           0.538
                             Critical view of safety achieved                              0.452
                                 Yes                       45 (90)        43 (86)
                                 No                        5 (10)         7 (14)
                             Adhesion in Calot’s triangle   39 (78)       24 (48)
                             Adhesion with inferior surface of liver  24 (48)  7 (14)
                             Tensely distended gallbladder (GB)  36 (72)  14 (28)
                             Contracted GB                 0 (0)          6 (12)           0.010
                             Turbid bile                   8 (16)         3 (3)
                             Perforated GB                 2 (4)          0 (00)
                             GB gangrene                   3 (6)          0 (00)
                             Mucocele/pyocele              32 (64)        10 (20)
                             Operative modifications
                             GB decompression              40 (80)        20 (40)         <0.001
                             Endo-bag retrieval of GB      19 (38)        9 (18)           0.026
                             Epigastric port enlargement   10 (20)        11 (22)          0.806
                             Suction/irrigation            44 (88)        23 (46)         <0.001
                             Subhepatic drain              40 (80)        21 (42)         <0.001
                             Intraoperative complications
                             Spillage of bile/stone        4 (8)          3 (6)
                             GB perforation                3 (6)          2 (4)
                             Cystic artery bleeding        3 (6)          6 (12)           0.583
                             Liver bed bleeding            00             1 (2)
                             Accessory bile duct leak      00             1 (2)
                             Bowel injury                  00             1 (2)

               More operative modifications were required in the ELC group,   p <0.002. Statistically no difference was found in subhepatic drain
            viz GB decompression, laparoscopic bag retrieval of a specimen,   duration and postoperative hospital stay. The requirement of
            suction/irrigation, and subhepatic drain placement.  No significant   postoperative analgesia and use of antibiotics were comparable
            difference was noted in both the groups with intraoperative   in both the groups. The postoperative complications in terms of
            complications, like bile/stone spillage, GB perforation, and cystic   pulmonary, wound infections, intra-abdominal infections, and
            artery bleed. No bile duct injury occurred in both the groups. One   bile leak were similar in both the groups (Table 5). Feature of acute
            patient in the DLC group had an accessory bile duct leak, which was   cholecystitis on histopathological examination was more prevalent
            identified by magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and   in the ELC group (p <0.001) (Table 6).
            managed conservatively (Table 3).
               Multiple causes were found in both the groups for conversion
            as shown in Table 4, which were comparable and statistically not   dIscussIon
            significant. Cholecysto-colonic fistula and Mirizzi syndrome were   On ultrasound screening, gallstones are found in 5 to 20% of
            found in one patient of the DLC group.             the adult population.  The gallstone-related complications, such
               Total hospital stay was 4.46 ± 1.32 vs 6.0 ± 2.83 days in ELC and   as acute cholecystitis, develop in 1 to 4% of patients.  Acute
            DLC groups, respectively. The difference was statistically significant   cholecystitis is the most frequent cause for hospitalization among
            152   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)
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