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Role of Laparoscopy in Abdominal Tuberculosis Diagnosis
               TB PCR is a highly sensitive method. In our study, it was positive   Laparoscopy with tissue biopsy and cultures provides the most
            in (38/50) 76% of patients who were diagnosed to have TB in   reliable, rapid, and correct diagnosis of abdominal TB preventing
            laparoscopy. The association was statistically significant (p <0.05).   the need for more expensive procedures. In conclusion, for the
            The sensitivity of the test was 97.4%, and the specificity was 100%.   diagnosis of abdominal TB, laparoscopy can be used as a primary
            The positive predictive value was 100%, and the negative predictive   investigation rather than the last resort, and the threshold for
            value was 91.66%.                                  diagnostic laparoscopy should not be too high.
               Gene Xpert is a newer technique that is based on the same
            principle as PCR. In our study, it was found to be present in (39/50)   references
            78% of the cases diagnosed after laparoscopy. Hence, it is a highly
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