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            Role of Laparoscopy in Gastric Trichobezoar: A Case Report

            and Review of Laparoscopic Techniques in Pediatric and


            Prashant Jain , Ashish Prasad , Sarika Jain 3
             This article presents a case report of the laparoscopic removal of a large gastric trichobezoar in a 13-year-old girl. We reviewed the various
             laparoscopic techniques and their modifications described in the literature for removal of gastric trichobezoar. Advantages and disadvantages
             of various techniques were also discussed.
             Keywords: Children, Gastric trichobezoar, Laparoscopy.
             World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery (2021): 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1438

            IntroductIon                                       1,2 Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology, BLK
            Trichobezoar (ball of hair) is accumulation of hair in stomach   Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi, India
            and small intestine (Rapunzel syndrome). It is a rare condition   3 Department of Radiology, Doda Imaging, New Delhi, India
            usually seen in adolescent girls with a psychiatric disorder.    Corresponding Author: Prashant Jain, Department of Pediatric
            The management of gastric trichobezoar includes endoscopic/  Surgery and Pediatric Urology, BLK Superspeciality Hospital, New
            surgical removal along with the treatment of psychiatric instability.   Delhi, India, Phone: +91 9582413828, e-mail:
            Various techniques have been used which includes laparotomy,   How to cite this article: Jain P, Prasad A, Jain S. Role of Laparoscopy
            endoscopy, laparoscopy, and laser fragmentation. We report a case   in Gastric Trichobezoar: A Case Report and Review of Laparoscopic
            of laparoscopic removal of a large trichobezoar in a 13-year-old girl   Techniques in Pediatric and Adolescents.  World J Lap Surg 2021;
            and reviewed various laparoscopic techniques and its modifications   14(1):58–60.
            described for removal of gastric trichobezoar.     Source of support: Nil

                                                               Conflict of interest: None
            cAse report
            A 13-year-old female, presented with recurrent abdominal
            pain and vomiting, which had increased in severity for the last   saline wash was given. The trichobezoar was retrieved piecemeal
            2 days. Initial evaluation with ultrasound abdomen was normal.   with minimal fragmentation through the umbilical port (Fig. 2).
            In view of persistent pain and fullness of the upper abdomen,   The procedure took about 2 hours and 30 minutes. The size of the
            she was evaluated by a gastroenterologist. The child underwent   bezoar was 12 × 10 × 7 cm weighing about 200 gm.
            upper gastrointestinal endoscopy which revealed a large
            trichobezoar involving the stomach and extending into the whole
            of the duodenum and proximal jejunum. Endoscopic removal was
            attempted twice but only the tail part could be removed. The girl
            was then planned for laparoscopic removal of the trichobezoar.
               A 12 mm infraumbilical port was used and two 5 mm ports
            in epigastrium and left hypochondrium. Pneumoperitoneum
            was created using 12 mm pressure. Gastrotomy incision of about
            6 cm was made over anterior wall of the stomach. To stabilize
            the stomach, two stay sutures were taken through the edge of
            the stomach wall and were brought out through the anterior
            abdominal wall. With the help of graspers and suction, the bezoar
            was gradually separated avoiding any peritoneal contamination.
            Our job was made easier by previous endoscopic mobilization of
            the tail of bezoar. An auto retrieval endobag was placed inside the
            abdomen, and bezoar was carefully passed inside the bag without
            causing any peritoneal spillage (Fig. 1). It was then placed in the
            right quadrant of the abdomen meanwhile the gastrotomy was
            repaired in two layers using polydioxanone 2/0 suture. A thorough   Fig. 1: Laparoscopic gastrostomy and placement of endobag

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            appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons
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