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Role of Laparoscopy in Gastric Trichobezoar
            This procedure involves the placement of infraumbilical port with   clInIcAl sIgnIfIcAnce
            an extended skin incision. The anterior wall of the stomach is fixed
            to the skin on the perimeter of the wound to prevent the spillage of   While planning for laparoscopic removal of trichobezoar, one
            contents into the peritoneal cavity. Anterior gastrotomy is made and   should have a preoperative assessment about the size of the
            trichobezoar is pulled out piecemeal or in fragments without causing   bezoar. The laparoscopic approach or its modifications should be
            any contamination. The gastrotomy is then closed in two layers after   planned taking into consideration, the size of the bezoar and also
            releasing the seromuscular attachment to the abdominal wall. 1  the condition of the child to tolerate the duration of surgery and
               Javed et al.  who used this technique in three cases with an   anesthesia. Due precautions should be taken to avoid any peritoneal
            incision of 4 to 5 cm reported excellent outcomes with average   or wound contamination.
            duration of the procedure being 45 minutes. Similar technique
            was used by Iftikhar et al.  in two cases in which a small umbilical   references
            incision of 1.5 cm was used to remove a bezoar of size more than     1.  Javed A, Agarwal AK. A modified minimally invasive technique for
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            than what has been used in laparoscopic-assisted procedures, a   2013;9:42–44. DOI: 10.4103/0972-9941.107142.
            temporary gastrostomy minimizes the contamination and also     2.  Nirasawa Y, Mori T, Ito Y, et al. Laparoscopic removal of a large gastric
            reduces the duration of the procedure. Tudor et al.  recommended   trichobezoar. J Pediatr Surg 1998;33:663–635. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-
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            protection and also prevents trauma to the gastric mucosa. This   10.4293/108680809X12589999538110.
            technique definitely seems to be promising as it requires no     4.  Vepakomma D, Alladi A. Complete laparoscopic removal of a
            laparoscopic handling of bezoar and so the risk of peritoneal and   gastric trichobezoar. J Minim Access Surg 2014;10(3):154–156. DOI:
            wound contamination is minimal. The duration of surgery is less   10.4103/0972-9941.134880.
            and so it is useful in cases of large bezoar.        5.  Zmudzinski M, Hayashi A. Laparoscopic removal of massive pediatric
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            Laparoscopy or laparoscopy-assisted procedures are safe and
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            feasible options in pediatric and adolescent age-group. In view      7.  Hernández-Peredo-Rezk G, Escárcega-Fujigaki P, Campillo-Ojeda ZV,
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            no contamination. At the same time, the procedure should not     9.  Kanetaka K, Azuma T, Ito S, et al. Two-channel method for retrieval
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            laparoscopic skills, size of the patient, the size of the bezoar, and     10.  Tudor ECG, Clark MC. Laparoscopic-assisted removal of gastric
            the condition of the patient are important factors in deciding the   trichobezoar; a novel technique to reduce operative complications
            technique. A preoperative CT scan and endoscopy can be beneficial   and time. J Pediatr Surg 2013;48:E13–E15. DOI: 10.1016/j.
            in accessing the size and extent of the bezoar.         jpedsurg.2012.12.028.

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