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Role of Intraoperative ICG in Laparoscopic MALS Release

                                                               Fig. 4: Post-median arcuate ligament release, ICG mode

            Fig. 1: Port positions                             visualization, and third post band trifurcation. Dissection-op time
                                                               was 124 minutes and blood loss was minimal. The postoperative
                                                               period was characterized by complete relief of symptoms. The
                                                               patient was discharged on postop day 3. Repeat CT angiography
                                                               was done postop at 2 weeks, which was normal. The patient was
                                                               completely symptom free at 1-month follow-up.

                                                               MALS was first described by Harjola in 1963.  Once diagnosed,
                                                               there are several options for the treatment of MALS: celiac
                                                               artery decompression and celiac ganglionectomy,  celiac artery
                                                               decompression and reconstruction, celiac artery decompression
                                                               and dilatation, and celiac artery decompression and celiac artery
                                                               endovascular stenting. However, with increasing reports on
                                                               laparoscopic or robotic approaches, the focus now has been shifted
            Fig. 2: Visualization of trifurcation              to comparison between open and laparoscopic decompression
                                                               of MALS, of which minimally invasive surgical approach offers
                                                               immediate postop pain relief and shorter hospital stay,  earlier
                                                               oral feeds, minimal risks of postop complications,  decreased
                                                               blood loss, and better cosmetic outcome. We have published a
                                                               paper on MALS previously, where we have encountered difficulty
                                                               with the identification of the trifurcation. The use of ICG for
                                                               intraoperative mapping for MALS has only been reported only once
                                                               in the literature before.  It is useful in identifying the trifurcation
                                                               and celiac axis as well as minimizing the risk of iatrogenic injury in
                                                               otherwise risky dissection by clearly observing the location of the
                                                               celiac axis and its major branches and confirmation of completion of
                                                               dissection and to confirm the completion of division of the median
                                                               arcuate ligament.
                                                                  ICG dye is an iodophor and following its intravenous injection, it
                                                               has shown negligible renal, peripheral, lung, or cerebrospinal fluid
                                                               uptake of the dye.  ICG is a fluorescent agent with a peak spectral
            Fig. 3: Post-median arcuate ligament release       absorption and emission at 800 to 810 nm in blood or plasma.
                                                               The principle of fluorescence imaging is to illuminate the tissue
                                                               of interest with light at the excitation wavelength and observe
            Complete adhesiolysis was done using a monopolar hook and a   it at longer emission wavelengths. ICG operates at near-infrared
            harmonic scalpel, taking care not to injure any major blood vessels.   (NIR) wavelengths, at which tissues appear more translucent,
            Complete release with 4-cm clearance over celiac, left gastric, and   thus providing information on deeper lying blood vessels and
            common hepatic arteries was done. Vascular stenosed segment   tissues. ICG is the only clinically approved dye for NIR fluorescence
            and poststenotic dilatation appreciated after ICG mapping as   imaging. 16,17  Fluorescence imaging is a relatively new and rapidly
            seen in Figures 3 and 4. No dark band was appreciated encasing   evolving modality used in the intraoperative setting to delineate the
            the vessels. A total of three injections of 5 mg of ICG were given;   vasculature and lymphatic drainage or demarcate between tumor
            first at delineation of the trifurcation, second at the time of band   and normal tissue. 13–15  In recent studies, its clinical application has

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