Page 58 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Role of Laparoscopy in Gastric Trichobezoar

            Figs. 2A and B: Trichobezoar specimen retrieved through umbilical port

               The postoperative course was uneventful. She was started on   most important less risk of wound infection. It has the benefit of
            liquid diet on the first postoperative day and was discharged on   confirming any spillage and irrigation of the peritoneal cavity to
            third postoperative day after psychiatric consultation.  avoid any intra-abdominal complications.  But then it has its own
                                                               disadvantages like it is a technically difficult procedure especially
                                                               in a young child with limited abdominal space. The placement of
            dIscussIon                                         trichobezoar without any spillage and peritoneal contamination
            Conventionally laparotomy has been used for the removal of gastric   inside the endobag needs hands of experienced and skilled
            trichobezoar. Endoscopy has also been tried for removal but it has   laparoscopic surgeon.  If not performed carefully, it can make the
            its own disadvantages like it is a time taking procedure, requiring   procedure messy with significant intra-abdominal contamination.
            multiple sessions and has a high failure rate. Since the advent of   The operative time, in my view, mainly depends on the size
            laparoscopy, few reports have been published in the literature   of the bezoar, the size of the patient, and the operating skills
            about its use in gastric trichobezoar removal, the first being by   of the surgeon. The duration of the procedure using complete
            Nirwasa et al. in 1998. 2                          laparoscopic removal varied from 2.10 hours to 3.5 hours except
               The ideal approach is still not clear. The main challenge in   in a case in which intragastric ports were used which took
            removal of gastric trichobezoar is the usual large size of the bezoar   about 6 hours.  Our procedure took about 2.30 hours. The most
            and the associated risk of peritoneal and wound contamination.   important factor which increases the duration of the procedure
            To overcome this, laparoscopic techniques have been modified   is the fragmentation and removal of bezoar. Most of the bezoars
            by various surgeons especially the technique of extraction. A   including ours were more than 10 cm in size.
            detailed search of the literature was done to understand the various   Kanetaka et al.  described a two-channel method technique
            laparoscopic techniques used in retrieving the gastric trichobezoar.  which combined gastroscopy along with laparoscopy to remove
               We reviewed the published pediatric and adolescent cases of   a bezoar of about 100 gm. The technique involved gastroscopic
            gastric trichobezoar till 18 years of age in which laparoscopic or   retrieval after the trichobezoar was fragmented by an intragastric
            laparoscopic-assisted procedures were performed. The youngest   laparoscope. Although minimal invasive does not seem to be a
            child was 4-year-old who had undergone complete removal of large   feasible option for large bezoars as it requires multiple passages
            trichobezoar weighing 192 gm through a 12 mm port. 3  of endoscope in the stomach.
               A total of 23 reported cases performed by 20 surgeons   Laparoscopic-assisted removal of trichobezoar has been
            were reviewed. Three procedures that were used for retrieving   reported in eight cases.  The trichobezoar after placing inside
            trichobezoar were (1) complete laparoscopic removal without   the endobag was retrieved either by extending the port incision or
            extending the port incision,  (2) laparoscopic-assisted removal   by making a separate 3 to 5 cm incision in suprapubic (Pffenesteil
            /laparoscopic-assisted mini-laparotomy,  and (3) laparoscopic-  incison)/left subcoastal/hypochondrium incision or midline incision.
            assisted gastrocutaneopexy. 1,6                    The most important benefit of this procedure is that it reduces the
               Laparoscopic removal mainly involves the three-or four-port   operative time. By increasing the length of the incision, extraction
            placements. The step used were (a) gastrotomy with or without stay   of the specimen especially the large ones becomes relatively easy.
            sutures, (b) mobilizing the bezoar within the stomach, (c) placing   Although it defeats the purpose of minimal access surgery. Wound
            the bezoar inside the endobag, (d) closure of gastrostomy by   infection risk can be minimized with the use of endobag or a wound
            endostaplers or suturing, and (e) retrieval of the mouth of endobag   protector. Although the duration of surgery was not mentioned in
            through large 10 or 12 mm port and then removing the specimen   most of the cases, we presume it to be relatively less as compared
            piecemeal or after fragmenting it with the scissors.  to the complete laparoscopic procedure.
               Laparoscopy as compared to laparotomy definitely has the   Another reported procedure is laparoscopic-assisted
            advantages of less postoperative pain, better cosmesis, and   gastrocutaneopexy used in nine cases of gastric trichobezoar.

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)  59
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