Page 55 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic Management of Hydatid Cyst of Spleen

            Figs. 1: (A) Chest X-ray posteroanterior view: normal skiagram; (B) USG abdomen showing hypoechoic cystic lesion with dependent hyperechoic
            contents; (C) Noncontrast CT showing hypodense lesion with no calcification; (D) Contrast-enhanced CT showing hypoattenuated lesion with
            no internal septa or mural nodule

            Fig. 2: Showing port placement and Pfannenstiel incision for specimen   Fig. 3: Cut-section showing splenic cyst with membranes

            albendazole treatment. She was discharged on postoperative day   may be involved through the splenic artery after bypassing
            5. On 6 months follow-up she is doing well.        liver and lungs or through retrograde involvement through the
                                                               splenic vein. 4
                                                                  Patients usually present with upper abdominal symptoms.
            discussion                                         Pain is the most common complaint and it may be due to capsular
            Hydatid cyst is a zoonotic disease and humans are affected   stretching. If there is a cyst near hilum causing splenic vein
            accidentally. Mostly it is caused by Echinococcus granulosus.    compression, it may present with left-sided portal hypertension.
            Most common site of involvement is liver. It can involve any   There may be symptoms of hypersplenism also. Diagnosis is
            organ in the body, spleen is rarely involved by hydatid cyst 0.5 to   made with imaging (USG abdomen, CECT) and supported by
            4%.  Isolated splenic involvement is even rare entity. The spleen   hydatid serology. The final diagnosis is made on opening the

             56   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 1 (January–April 2021)
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