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Comparative Outcome of LGI, LSG and LRYGB for Weight Loss and BMI Reduction
            Table 2: Analysis of weight and BMI reduction 1 year after surgery between different surgical groups
                                      LGI                        LSG                       LRYGB          (ANOVA)
                          Preoperative;   Postoperative;   Preoperative;   Postoperative;   Preoperative;   Postoperative;   P-value
                          t = 0         t = 1 year   t = 0         t = 1 year    t = 0         t = 1 year
            Weight (kg)   105.33 ± 8.87  87.4 ± 6.58  104.07 ± 9.55  81.07 ± 6.32  105.8 ± 9.52  81.2 ± 7.04  0.001
            BMI (kg m )    41.07 ± 2.51  34.08 ± 1.56  42.76 ± 3.81  33.32 ± 2.65  43.27 ± 3.59  33.18 ± 2.24  0.000

            Table 3: Comparison of weight and BMI reduction 1 year after different bariatric surgeries
                                                         LGI            LSG             LRYGB          P-value
            Mean reduction in weight 1 year after surgery (kg)  17.93 ± 3.49  23.00 ± 4.72  24.60 ± 5.39
            • LGI and LSG                                                                              0.011
            • LGI and LRYGB                                                                            0.002
            • LSG and LRYGB                                                                            1.000
            Mean reduction in BMI 1 year after surgery (kg m )  6.99 ± 1.33  9.43 ± 1.85  10.08 ± 2.41
            • LGI and LSG                                                                              0.003
            • LGI and LRYGB                                                                            0.001
            • LSG and LRYGB                                                                            1.000

            Iran.  Since here resection of the stomach has not been performed,   There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperative on
            the decrement in the ghrelin levels is unlikely as they do in sleeve   the first day, nausea was reported by most of the patients, which
            gastrectomy. The gastric imbrication procedure has a technical   resolved gradually by antiemetics. There were no other significant
            advantage when compared to LSG; that is, there are no resection   postoperative complications. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis
            and anastomosis of the stomach lines and thus no risk of leak from   was given to all. Patients were discharged when their vitals were stable
            the staple line. The procedure is reversible and cost-effective.  able to accept liquid diet and could tolerate pain. Postoperatively
               Gastric bypass was initially developed by Dr. Mason and Ito   patients were advised to have liquid diet for 10 days, proton pump
            in the 1960s.  Over several decades, the gastric bypass has been   inhibitors for 3 months, and multivitamins. Follow-up visits were
            modified into its current form, using a RYGBP limb of the intestine.   scheduled at 2 weeks, 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year postoperatively.
            In 1994, Dr. Wittgrove and Clark reported the first case series of   On comparing the three surgery groups, LSG and LRYGB
            laparoscopic RYGBP. 13                             were statistically better in weight and BMI reduction in obese as
               In our study, all the patients were preoperatively thoroughly   compared to LGI. Although weight and BMI reduction was more
            evaluated for comorbidities and anesthetic risk. Preoperative   in LRYGB as compared to LSG, it was not statistically significant.
            ECG, lipid profile, thyroid function test, LFT, FBS, HbA1c, Hb level,
            hematocrit, platelet count, serum creatinine, and serum electrolyte   references
            were done. In women, Pap smears and pregnancy testing should     1.  Obesity and overweight Fact sheet N°311. WHO. January 2015.
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                                                                    Nutr 1992 Feb; 55(2 Suppl):615S-619S. DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/55.2.615s.
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            gastric pouch and 50 cm of Roux-limb were created. The effective     9.  Wilkinson LH. Reduction of gastric reservoir capacity. Am J Clin Nutr
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