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Postoperative Seroma Collection in Operated Case of TAPP Hernioplasty in Unilateral Inguinoscrotal Hernia

            AIms And objectIves                                examination. Among three patients, two were operated upon for
            To evaluate the incidence of postoperative seroma collection in TAPP   an indirect hernia and the other one was treated for a direct hernia
                                                               (Table 1).
            hernioplasty in inguinoscrotal hernia in our surgical department at   All three patients were given chemotherapy (Seratopeptidase
            AMC MET Medical College and LG hospital, Ahmedabad.
                                                               and Chymotrypsin tablets) and scrotal support was continued. In
                                                               one of the patients with a direct hernia, seroma collection was
            mAterIAls And methods                              resolved postoperatively on day 7. Another patient of indirect
            In this prospective observational study, 50 patients were randomly   hernia, seroma collection was resolved on day 6 postoperatively,
            selected from LG. General Hospital, AMC MET Medical College,   and the third patient after 30 days by postoperatively.
            Ahmedabad, India from May 2018 to May 2019.           Moreover, 47 (94% ) patients felt only slight pain the next
                                                               morning after the operation, the pain became minimal 7 days
            Inclusion Criteria                                 later, and no chronic pain or neurological pain was recorded.
            •  Unilateral inguinoscrotal hernia going beyond the root of the   All patients without complications were discharged. During the
              scrotum in patients admitted to the Department of Surgery.  follow-up period (1–12 months), no pain, seroma, and recurrence
            •  Patients who were willing to give informed consent for   were reported by the discharged patients (Fig. 1).
              laparoscopic TAPP hernioplasty repair.
            Exclusion Criteria
            •  Patient’s age >65 years.                        Table 1: Development of seroma in direct and indirect hernia repair
                                                               by TAPP
            •  Patient’s age <18 years.
            •  Laparoscopic TAPP converted to open hernioplasty.             Direct      Indirect
            •  Inguinal hernia.                                              inguinoscortal   inguinoscrotal   Total (N = 50)
               All patients went through TAPP hernioplasty for an   No. of operated
            inguinoscrotal hernia after a complete explanation of conversion   cases  6 (12%)  44 (88%)  50 (100%)
            to open as well as postoperative seroma formation; which is usually   Seroma
            5–25%. Gentle careful dissection and perfect hemostasis were   development  1 (2%)  2 (4%)  3 (6%)
            attempted. The pseudosac was tacked toward the pubic bone
            with two or three tacks in a large direct hernia to avoid seroma
            formation. In indirect hernia, meticulous dissection was done at
            the deep inguinal ring to skeletonize the sac from cord structures.
            Nontraumatic graspers were used to dissect the planes to keep
            the dissection field blood-free. We did not invert or dissect out
            the whole distal sac in the indirect inguinoscrotal hernia. Instead,
            the distal sac was left intact in place without closing the proximal
            end of the distal sac. The lower edge of the distal sac was lifted and
            fixed to the posterior abdominal wall in the site lateral and cranial
            to the internal ring. The scrotum was to be completely deflated
            before taking the ports out. Scrotal support was applied for the first
            48 hours to prevent their formation. There is a need to reassure a
            patient regarding the time-bound self-resolution of the swelling.
            Though it may not resolve in 8 weeks, it might be aspirated under
            aseptic precautions.
               Since all cases were indoor patients, they were initially
            reviewed the next day morning after the operation and the next
            examination time point was 7 days later for seroma development
            in OPD clinics. All patients were advised to return to the clinic
            in case of delayed complications or any unexpected problems,   Fig. 1: Development of seroma in direct and indirect hernia repair by
            especially chronic pain and groin swelling. All the patients were   TAPP (N = 50)
            followed up at 6 weeks for recurrence (any cough impulse) or any
            other complication. Then they are instructed to follow up every
            month for 6 months.                                dIscussIon
                                                               Several kinds of procedures have been described in the literature
            results                                            to address the problem of seroma formation, including the use
            A total of 50 operated cases of unilateral laparoscopic TAPP   of external compression, the application of fibrin sealant in the
            inguinoscrotal hernioplasty were included in the study.  preperitoneal space,  and dwelling a closed-suction drain in the
               Out of 50 patients, 44 (88%) patients were operated on for   preperitoneal space.  Furthermore, the placement of drainage was
            indirect inguinoscrotal and 6 (12%) patients were operated on for   with a potential risk of iatrogenic infection and could only be placed
            a direct inguinoscrotal hernia.                    for a short period. The pressure dressing is usually difficult to apply
               Only three (6%) patients developed clinically detectable seroma   over the groin region. Nevertheless, the optimal management of
            during the follow-up period (pod-2), as revealed by their physical   the distal sac is still debated, though some studies have supported

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