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Postoperative Seroma Collection in Operated Case of TAPP Hernioplasty in Unilateral Inguinoscrotal Hernia
            the complete dissection of the sac to avoid seroma formation;  8,9   decrease the chance of the development of seroma in the unilateral
            however, this complete dissection may be difficult in certain cases   inguinoscrotal hernia.
            and carry the risk of injury to adjacent vasculature.
               Reddy et al.  reported a method of inversion and staple fixation   references
            of the lax transversalis fascia to Cooper’s ligament, which reduced
            the incidence of seroma formation after laparoscopic repair of       1.  Laparoscopic Trans Abdominal Pre-peritoneal (TAPP) Repair
                                                                    of Inguinal Hernia, World laparoscopic hospital, essential for
            direct inguinal hernia. However, these approaches did not apply   laparoscopic surgery,
            to the indirect hernia, since there is no lax transversalis fascia for   laparoscopic-tapp-inguinal-hernia.html.
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