Page 22 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 22

RK Mishra et al

            Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis and                monitor, but after the advent of the three chip camera the
            Laparoscopic Appendectomy                          sensitivity of laparoscopic diagnosis of appendix is 92%. 53
            The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is mainly clinical. Several
            methods have been suggested to diminish the diagnostic error  Laparoscopic Appendectomy Women vs Men
            that occurs if diagnosis is based solely on the clinical picture of  Most surgeons agree on the use of laparoscopy when a patient
            suspected appendicitis. The symptoms of appendicitis can  is a young female with vague lower abdominal pain and its
            initially be difficult to differentiate from gastroenteritis. Early  progress to appendectomy. There are innumerable reports
            symptoms may include vague bloating, indigestion and mild  showing that laparoscopy improves diagnosis and reduces
            pain which generally is perceived as being in the area of the  unnecessary appendectomies in fertile women. 29,30,41,50,63,65,70
            umbilicus.                                            The diagnostic problem of suspected appendicitis is not
               As the infection worsens, the pain becomes more prominent
            in the right lower quadrant. There is usually nausea, vomiting  limited to fertile women. It is also a problem of premenopausal
                                                               women. One study was done in Dublin on 100 premenopausal
            and loss of appetite. The pain is generally constant and  women who were admitted with abdominal pain. After final
            progressive. There may be diarrhea, fever, and chills. These  assessment, patients were placed in following diagnostic
            symptoms progress over several hours to several days.  categories; gynecological (30%); renal (9%); acute appendicitis
            However, many patients may not report the sequence of  (23%); nonspecific abdominal pain (29%) and miscellaneous
            symptoms outlined above. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of  (9%).
            appendicitis can often be challenging. Many other conditions  The mean duration of hospital stay for patient with non
            can mimic appendicitis such as gastroenteritis, kidney stones,  specific abdominal pain was 67 days and one third of these
            urinary infections, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. In  patients, underwent appendectomy for normal appendix. 75
            women, problems such as ovarian cysts and pelvic infections  Abdominal pain in premenopausal women is often
            can mimic appendicitis. In fact appendicitis is a disease which  psychosomatic and the laparoscopic intervention may be
            can mimic most of the causes of abdominal pain as well as some  considered in these women with nonspecific pain abdomen to
            chest pathology.                                   prevent removal of a normal appendix.
               Despite new X-ray techniques, CT scans and ultrasounds,
                                                                  Even though laparoscopic appendectomy has been claimed
            the diagnosis of appendicitis can be challenging. So far the  to reduce postoperative pain, length of hospitalization,
            most accurate non-invasive method of diagnosis is  analgesic doses and surgery associated complication, many
            ultrasonography but this is not totally reliable. The history and  surgeons do not advocate this procedure on men because they
            physical examination will generally lead to the correct diagnosis.  do not find any superiority of laparoscopy over the open
            According to one prospective non-randomized study  procedure. 20,28,31,36  Cox et al conducted a prospective rando-
            laparoscopy may prevent unnecessary appendectomy in 24%  mized comparison of open versus laparoscopic appendectomy
            of patients. Laparoscopy reveals a misdiagnosis rate of 8% in  exclusively in men and they reported that laparoscopic
            males and 41% in females of reproductive age group. 54,55  appendectomy in men has significant advantages in terms of
            Laparoscopic appendectomy gives a better evaluation of the  more rapid recovery. 60
            peritoneal cavity than that obtained by the standard gridiron
            exposure. The procedure allows rapid and thorough inspection  Appendectomy in Pediatric Patients
            of the para-colic gutters and the pelvic cavity that is not possible
            with the open gridiron approach. The laparoscopic approach  Although laparoscopic appendectomy is gaining popularity,
            for patient with suspected appendicitis improves the diagnostic  open appendectomy has remained popular with surgeons caring
            accuracy and is therefore recommended. 70          for children. The reasons for this include the increased skill
               There is also debate on whether a normal looking appendix  level necessary for pediatric laparoscopic procedures, concerns
            be removed at the time of laparoscopy or not? The major criticism  over increased operating times and costs, and fears that the
            against leaving the appendix in place is that mucosal  laparoscopic approach to appendicitis is somehow associated
            inflammation might be overlooked because only serosa can be  with an increased complication rate.
            inspected. Walker, et al reported that 3.2% of the intraoperatively  There is a group of surgeons who are advocating
            normal appearing appendices demonstrated acute inflammation  laparoscopic appendectomy in all cases of appendicitis in
            after pathological examination.  Mucosal inflammation  pediatric patients. In one prospective nonrandomized trial
            obviously can never be determined if the appendix is left in  500 appendectomies were studied, 362 children underwent open
            place. The majority of surgeons state that normal looking  procedure and 138 underwent laparoscopic appendectomy.
            appendix should not be removed.  Previously there was doubt  There was no mortality in either group. Major complications
            on the color reliability of the image of inflamed appendix on the  were 3% in open group but no major complications were seen in

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