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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):40-43
                                                         Sajal Kumar
            Role of Laparoscopy in the Management

            of Giant Hiatal Hernia

            Sajal Kumar
            Senior Resident, Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital, New Delhi

            Abstract: Giant hiatal hernia is defined as greater than one third of the  4. Complication
            stomach in the thoracic cavity  and representing 5 to 10 % of all hiatal  5. Hospital stay
            hernia.  The hiatal opening in a patient with a large hernia is wide, with  6. Functional index
            the right and left crura very thin and often separated by 5 cm or more. 8  7. Quality of life analysis
            The aim of this review is to analyze the role of laparoscopy in the
            management of giant hiatal hernia.
                                                               OPERATIVE PROCEDURE
            Introduction: Traditionally repair of giant paraesophageal hernia has  The surgical technique employed include:
            been performed through open laparotomy or thoracotomy, with the
            advent of laparoscopy, nowadays giant hiatal hernia are performed  •  Standerd five cannula technique
            with laparoscopy.                                  •  Devide the lesser omantom to expose the right hilar piller
                                                                  within the lesser sac
            Saveral recent reports have shown that laparoscopic repair of  •  Reduction of hernia by means of atraumatic grasper in a
            paraesophageal hiatal hernia is feasibadle and effective, obtaining  hand over hand fashion
            comparative result to open surgery. 2
                                                               •  Complete excision of sac
            Material and method: A review of article was done through the internet  •  Primary closure of hiatal hernia defect with either suture
            using search engine Google, high wire press springerlink pubmed  approximation of crura or by different type of mesh
            through the internet facility available in laparoscopy hospital in  application (for tension-free repair)
            Delhi.—using                                       •  After closing the hiatus a fundoplication (Nissen or toupet)

            About 3500 articles available on the net, only selected article were  with or without collies gastroplasty will complete the
            screened for further reference. Operative procedure selected only from  operation depending upon the finding of intraoperative
            the center, where the study was done, are specialized in laparoscopic  gastrointestinal endoscopic assessment of short esophagus
            surgery.                                              and esophageal manometry.
            Keywords: Giant hiatal hernia, Laparoscopy management, complication,
            recurrence.                                        Review of Citation
                                                               M. Morino et al 2006,  Performed laparoscopic repair of giant
                                                               hiatal hernia on 65 patients Oct 1991- April 2003.
            Preoperation work-up including carefull history regarding patient  •  Primary (suture) closure of the hiatal defect was done in 14
            symptom: I. Barium swallow X-ray, II. Upper gastrointestinal  cases
            endoscopy, III. Esophageal manometry, IV. pH monitoring,  •  Tension-free repair using a mesh was performed in 37 cases
            should be done.                                    •  14 patients underwent Collies – Nissen gastroplasty.
                                                               •  There was no intraoperative complication and no conversion
            Aim and Objective                                     to open technique
                                                               •  Mesh operation time was 130 min
            The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and  •  No motility
            safety of laparoscopy in the treatment of giant hiatal hernia.  •  One major complication (1.5%)
               The following parameter were evaluated;
                                                               •  An esophageal perforation
            1. Operative time                                  •  Postoperative complication – 12 patients have transient sub-
            2. Operative technique                                cutaneous emphysema in the neck that resolve
            3. Postoperative pain                                 spontaneously.

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