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Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy
            •  Pelvic inflammatory disease                     considered presumptive evidence of an ectopic pregnancy. With
            •  Infertility                                     the evolution in ultrasound technology, the discriminatory
            •  Induced abortion, adhesions                     threshold has dropped form 6500 IU/L with a transabdominal
            •  Myomata                                         approach to between 1000 and 2000 IU/L with transvaginal
            •  Progestin only oral pill                        imaging.  The spectrum of sonographic findings in ectopic
                                                               pregnancy is broad. Identifiation of an extrauteine gestational
            2. Use of Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin        sac containing a yolk sac (with or without an embryo) confirms
              Measurement                                      the diagnosis. Suggestive finding include an empty uterus,
            In the emergency department, pregnancy is diagnosed by  cystic or solid adnexal or tubal masses (including the tubal-ring
            determining the urine or serum concentration of B human  sign, representing a tubal gestational sac), hematosalpinx and
            chorionic gonadotropin (β -hCG). This hormone is detectable  echogenic or sonolucent cul-de-sac fluid. It is therefore found
            in urine and blood as early as 1 week before an expected  that the proportion of patients with the tubal rupture, heavy
            menstrual period. Serum testing detects levels as low as 5 IU/L,  intra-abdominal bleed and pre-shock/shock have decrease
            whereas urine testing detects levels as low as 20-50 IT/L. 13, 14  owing to early diagnosis.
            In most cases, screening is done with a urine test, since obtaining  Thorough physical and clinical examination with
            the result of a serum test is time-consuming and is not always  preanesthetic checkup was performed. Surgical intervention
            possible in the evening and at night.              was done under general anesthesia, on an in-patients basis.
               A single serum measurement of the β-hCG concentration,
            however, cannot identify the location of the gestation sac. If a  Four different operative techniques were used:
            low serum β-hCG level (< 1000 IU/L) is associated with a higher  1. Laparoscopic linear salpingiotomy (tubal aspiration)
            relative risk of ectopic pregnancy, then can very low levels  2. Laparoscopic salpingectomy
            predict a benign clinical course? A single serum β-hCG  3. Laparoscopic fimbrial expression
            measurement cannot exclude ectopic pregnancy or predict the  4. Laparotomy
            risk of rupture unless it is less than 5 IU/L. 14
               In a normal pregnancy, the first trimester  β-hCG  Laparoscopic Linear Salpingiotomy
            concentation rapidly increases, doubling about every 2 days.  Used as method of choice in patients with unruptured ampullary
            An increase over 48 hours of at least 66% has been used as a  pregnancy. A linear incision was made over antimesenteric
            cutoff point for viability.  Ectopic pregnancy may present with  border of tubal segment containing pregnancy with point needle
            rising, falling or plateau β -hCG levels; thus, serial measurement  monopolar diathermy. Prior injection of 5-8 ml of diluted solution
            is most useful to confirm fetal viability rather than to identify  containing 5 units of vasopressin in 20 ml normal saline is made
            ectopic pregnancy.
                                                               with 20 gauge spinal needle into the mesosalpinx. Product of
                                                               conception extrudes itself, if not this can be completed by using
            3. Use of Progesterone Measurement
                                                               hydrodessection or gentle traction with laparoscopic forceps.
            Measurement of the serum concentration of progesterone has  Copious irrigation is used to dislodge trophoblast. The opening
            been investigated as a potentially useful adjunct to serum β-  of fallopian tube was left to heal by secondary intention.
            hCG measurement, since progesterone levels are stable and
            independent of gestational age in the first trimester. A Meta  Laparoscopic Salpingectomy
            analysis, published in 1998, of studies assessing a single
            progesterone level demonstrated good capacity of low levels  This method is chosen for treatment of isthmic pregnancy, with
            (≤ 5 ng/mL) to correctly diagnose pregnancy failure, but this  tubal distriction, hydrosalpinx, recurrent ectopic in the same
            cutoff was unable to discriminate between ectopic pregnancy  tube, severe adhesions or patients choice. This procedure
            and intrauterine pregnancy. Both high (≥ 22 ng/mL) and low  involves resection of segment of tube containing pregnancy in
            (≤ 5 ng/mL) cutoff points have since been studied for their  several ways including laser, stapling devices, endoloops, or
            ability to correctly identify nonviable pregnancy and ectopic  progressive biopolar coagulation and cutting the mesosalpinx
            pregnancy. 16, 17  Invasive diagnostic testing (e.g. D and C) could  begins at proximal isthmus of tube, progressed to fimbriated
            be postponed in the former patients but offered to the latter, as  end.
            could treatment with methotrexate, without fear of interrupting
            a potentially viable intrauterine pregnancy.       Laparoscopic Fimbrial Expression
                                                               Milking of the tube was done for the patients with fimbrial
            4. Ultrasound Imaging
                                                               ectopic pregnancy. Trophoblastic tissue either sucked out by
            A β−hCG level that has risen above the discriminatory threshold  suction, or retrieved through 10 mm ports and sent for
            in the absence of sonographic signs of early pregnancy is  histopathological examination.
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