Page 35 - WALS Journal
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Babita Gupta
            Laparotomy                                         Hospital Stay

            Laparotomy was performed through a pfannenstiel incision and  Various randomized control trial comparing laparoscopic surgery
            standard surgical techniques (the same laparoscopic  versus laparotomy in treatment of ectopic pregnancy showed
            techniques) were applied.                          shorter hospital stay and convalescence period. 22, 24
               Postoperative follow-up consists of serial hCG assessment
            (twice weekly) until complete negativity (< 5IU/L), with weekly  Fertility Outcome
            clinical examination and transvaginal ultrasound if needed.  Concern fertility restoration and pregnancy outcome following
               Postoperative management follows the normal practice.  conservative or radical approach by minimal access surgery
            Analgesia was prescribed to the patients on demand, namely  proved no significant difference when compared with open
            pethidine, 1.5 ml/kg IM every 4 four hours or diclofenac sodium  surgery. Overall conception rate of 77.3%, with an ongoing
            100 mg.                                            pregnancy rate 81.2% have been reported. 30, 31

            DISCUSSION                                         Cost Effectiveness
            A large number of studies on the management of ectopic  In this current era of minimal access surgery the cost of
            pregnancy can be found in the literature, ranging from case  endoscopic/laparoscopic set up is much high and need
            report to randomized trial, from expectant management to radical  specialized theater set up, more staff and maintenance. But
            surgery. It is now accepted that the surgical treatment of ectopic  owing to reduce hospital stay, faster recovery time, the
            pregnancy should be via laparoscopy except for a few exception  expenditure can be considered cost effective. 22, 23
            (contraindication for laparoscopy, state of hemodynamic shock,
            surgeon with insufficient experience).             Quality of Life Analysis
            Success Rate – K Clasen et al (1997) had strict laparoscopic  Minimal access surgery as an operative choice for management
            approach to 194 cases of ectopic pregnancy resulting in a 97.4%  of life-threatening condition like ectopic pregnancy lead to
            success rate.  Other series of studies also confirm the success  increased quality of life in term of shorter hospital stay, speedy
            rate of operative laparoscopic surgery in ectopic pregnancy  postoperative recovery, reduce need of postoperative analgesia,
            between 87-97%. 26-30                              cosmetically good scar and less psychological trauma to the
               Some authors had performed operative laparoscopic even  patients.
            in hemodynamically unstable patients with good success rate. 9
            Operative Time
                                                               Critical overview of literature of all possible approach
            Lundorff P et al 1991 conducted a randomized, prospective  demonstrate that the minimally access surgery is not only safe
            clinical trial was conducted to comparing the efficacy of  and effective, but also economical then open laparotomy in the
            laparoscopic treatment with conventional conservative  treatment of ectopic pregnancy and should consider as the
            abdominal surgery for tubal pregnancy. Laparoscopic surgery  gold standard in treating in ectopic pregnancy.
            took less time (73 min) versus 88 min for laparotomy group.  In
            fact, it actually saves time, as during a laparotomy, opening and  REFERENCES
            closing the abdomen just to gain access to the affected tube  1. Lehner R, Kucera E, Jirecek S, Egarter C, Husslein P, Ectopic
            consumes precious operating time. Other comparative studies  pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2000 Feb; 263(3): 87-92.
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