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Laparoscopic Excision of Endometrioma
            concentration, and the guidelines from the Royal College of  study only 10% of women who had a levonorgestrel intrauterine
            Obstetricians and Gynecologists described CA125 as having  system after surgery for endometriosis had moderate or severe
            only limited value as either a screening or a diagnostic test. 6  dysmenorrhea compared with 45% of the women who had
               Laparoscopy is the only diagnostic test that can reliably  surgery only.  In a trial of 82 women with endometriosis the
            rule out endometriosis. It is also accurate in detecting  levonorgestrel intrauterine system had similar effectiveness to
            endometriosis and is considered the standard investigation. 6  GnRH analogues, but the potential for long-term use of this
                                                               system is advantageous if the woman does not want to
            What are the Indications for Laparoscopy?          conceive.  It has also been used in women with rectovaginal
                                                               disease.  In the future aromatase inhibitors may have a
            Many young women experience dysmenorrhea (about 60-70%),
            and unless there are other features to indicate endometriosis  therapeutic role in endometriosis as they inhibit estrogen
            laparoscopy is not recommended.  Some women will require  production selectively in endometriotic lesions, without
            further investigation to guide management. For adolescents  affecting ovarian function.
            who present with dysmenorrhea, the recommended approach
            is to first prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs  Is Surgery or Medical Treatment More Effective?
            (NSAIDs) and oral contraceptives. 17,18  The lack of measurable  There are no randomised controlled trials comparing medical
            pain relief with these drugs is usually an indication for further  versus surgical treatments for the management of endometriosis,
            investigation.  Other indications for laparoscopy include  and the decision about medical or surgical treatment at the time
            severe pain over several months, pain requiring systemic  of diagnosis will depend on several factors including patient’s
            therapy, pain resulting in days off work or school, or pain  choice, the availability of laparoscopic surgery, the desire for
            requiring admission to hospital.                   fertility, and concerns about long-term medical therapy.
               Treatment options for medical therapy include oral  Surgery for endometriosis can be performed
            contraceptives, progestogens, androgenic agents, and  laparoscopically or as an open procedure. It entails excision or
            gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues. All  ablation (by laser or diathermy), or both, of the endometriotic
            suppress ovarian activity and menses and atrophy of  tissue with or without adhesiolysis. There are few trials of
            endometriotic implants, although the extent to which they  laparoscopic treatment. 14,15  Surgical excision of endometriosis
            achieve this varies. There have been few randomised controlled  results in improved pain relief and improved quality of life after
            trials of medical treatment versus placebo, although many trials  six months compared with diagnostic laparoscopy only.  In
            have compared different types of medical treatment. 7-10  All  one of the trials laparoscopic treatment also included uterine
            medical treatments are similarly effective in relieving pain during  nerve ablation (LUNA),  and pain improvement persisted for
            treatment.                                         up to five years in more than half of the women.  About 20% of
               The side effect profiles are important in deciding treatment  women do not report any improvement after surgery. 14
            choices. Progestogens are associated with irregular menstrual  No randomised controlled trials have compared laser versus
            bleeding, weight gain, mood swings, and decreased libido. The  electrosurgical removal of endometriosis, and only one small
            side effects associated with danazol include skin changes,  trial, with inconclusive results, compared excision versus
            weight gain, and occasionally deepening of the voice, and it is  ablation. 27
            infrequently prescribed now. GnRH analogues dramatically
            lower estrogen concentrations, and side effects include the  How often does Endometriosis Recur after Surgery?
            development of menopausal symptoms and the loss of bone  Recurrence of endometriosis after laparoscopic surgery is
            mineral density with long-term use (both reversible). Estrogen  common. 16,26  Even with experienced laparoscopic surgeons,
            therapy in an add back regimen is useful for preventing side  the cumulative rate of recurrence after five years is nearly 20%. 17
            effects with GnRH analogues.  In the randomised controlled  Another study reported recurrence of dysmenorrhea in almost
            trials comparing subcutaneous depot medroxyprogesterone  a third of women within one year of laparoscopic surgery in
            acetate (SC-DMPA) with GnRH analogues the bone loss was  women who received no other treatment. 16
            less with the progesterone during treatment. 20-21  Recurrence of
            painful symptoms after six months of medical treatment may be  What is the Evidence for Surgery in Women with
            as high as 50% in the 12-24 months after the treatment is  Endometriomata?
            stopped. 22-23  Recurrence may in part be because large lesions
            respond poorly to medical treatment. It is generally accepted  Randomised controlled trials comparing excision or drainage
            that endometriomata are not amenable to medical treatment,  and ablation for endometriomata 3 cm reported that recurrences
            although temporary clinical relief may be achieved.  were reduced and subsequent spontaneous pregnancy
               The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) is an  increased in the women who underwent excision.  Though
            established treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding but can  excisional surgery of the capsule could lead to removal of normal
            also be used for dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. 11,24  In one  ovarian tissue and result in reduced ovarian reserve, 20,28  there
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