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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2008;1(2):36-39
                                                         Babita Gupta
            Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the

            Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

            Babita Gupta
            Ex. Senior resident Kasturba Hospital, New Delhi, India
            Ex. Senior resident of Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India

            Abstract: Ectopic Pregnancy, in which gestational sac is outside the  Aims and Objectives: The aim of the review to summarize the role of
            uterus, is the most common life-threatening emergency in early  minimal access surgery as in the management of ectopic pregnancy.
            pregnancy. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy (EP) has increased all  Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, operative laparoscopy, laparoscopic,
            over the world from 0.5% thirty years ago, to a present day 1-2%. 1  salpingectomy, cornua, surgical treatment, minimal access surgery.
            This complication of early pregnancy, results in not only fetal loss,
            but also the potential for considerable maternal morbidity and the risk  Material and Method
            of maternal death. .
               Until the risk factors that lead to EP are more fully understood,  A literature search was performed using the search engine
            early detection and appropriate management will be the most effective  Google, highwire press and springerlink. Selected papers were
            means of reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with this  taken for the further references.
            condition. 5-6  Although the incidence of EP increased, with the  All articles, RCT, (randomized controlled trial) following
            improvement of diagnostic approaches, patients were detected at an  predominantly laparoscopic protocol were included for review.
            earlier stage and possible to be treated more conservatively.  Surgery
            remains the mainstay of treatment.  Surgical treatments may be radical
            (salpingectomy) or conservative (usually salpingostomy), and they  Patients Selection of Laparoscopic Approach
            may be performed by laparoscopy or laparotomy.  Improved  •  Confirmed diagnosis
            anesthesia and cardiovascular monitoring, together with advanced  •  Absent fetal heart beat
            laparoscopic surgical skills and experience, justifies operative  •  Hemodynamic stable status
            laparoscopy for surgical treatment of EP even in women with
            hemodynamic instability. 10                        •  Accessibility for laparoscopic treatment and trained
               Ectopic Pregnancy usually occurs 98% of cases in the uterine  laparoscopist on duty.
            tube. Trophoblast can be implanted at various sites:
                                                               Non-candidates for Laparoscopic Surgery
            1. The ampulla (64%)
            2. The isthmus (25%)                               •  Large hemoperitoneum
            3. The infundibulum (9%)                           •  Unstable hemodynamic status (stage II or stage III shook)
            4. The intramural junction (2%)                    •  Severe pelvic adhesion
            5. Ovarian (0.5%)                                  •  Refusal
            6. Cervical (0.4%)
            7. Abdominal (0.1%)                                Diagnosis
            8. Intraligamental (0.05%)
                                                               1. Historical Features and Physical Findings
                                                               Ectopic pregnancy is usually diagnosed in the fist trimester of
                                                               pregnancy. The most common gestational age at diagnosis is 6
                                                               to 10 weeks. Documentation of risk factors is an essential part
                                                               of history-taking, and asymptomatic clinic patients with risk
                                                               factors may benefit from routine early imaging. However, more
                                                               than half of identified ectopic pregnancies are in women without
                                                               known risk factors. 11, 12
                                                                  Risk factors associated with ectopic pregnancy include:
                                                               •  Current use of intrauterine device
                                                               •  Use of clomiphene citrate
                                                               •  Prior tubal surgery

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