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Comparison between Laparoscopic Gastric Banding and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
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                Zacherl J, Wenzl E, Schindler K, Luger A, Ludvik B, Prager G  Foletto; Maurizio De Luca; Dorina Caniato; Franco Favretti;
                Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Banding: Effects on Plasma  Mario Lise; Giuliano Enzi Outcome Predictors in Morbidly
                Ghrelin Levels Obesity Surgery, 15:1024-29.         Obese Recipients of an Adjustable Gastric Band Obesity
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                patients with morbid obesity Surg Endosc 2006; 20: 859-63.  Banding in a Public University Hospital: Prospective Analysis
             16. Jacques Himpens, Giovanni Dapri, Guy Bernard Cadière. A  of 400 Patients Obesity Surgery, 12:93-99.
                Prospective Randomized Study Between Laparoscopic Gastric  20. Markus Naef, Ursula Naef, Wolfgang G Mouton, Hans E Wagner.
                Banding and Laparoscopic Isolated Sleeve Gastrectomy: Results  Outcome and Complications after Laparoscopic Swedish
                after 1 and 3 Years Obesity Surgery, 16, 1450-56.   Adjustable Gastric Banding: 5-year Results of a Prospective
             17. Bruno M Balsiger, Daniel Ernst, Daniel Giachino, Ruedi  Clinical Trial Obesity Surgery 17:195-201.
                Bachmann, Andreas Glaettli. Prospective Evaluation and  21. Thomas Lang, Renward Hauser, Claus Buddeberg, Richard
                7-Year Follow-up of Swedish Adjustable Gastric Banding in  Klaghofer. Impact of Gastric Banding on Eating Behavior and
                Adults with Extreme Obesity J Gastrointest Surg 2007; 11:1470–  Weight Obesity Surgery 12:100-07.

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