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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2008;1(3):53-57
            Laparoscopic Sugery for Rectal Carcinoma—An Experience of 20 Cases in a Government Sector Hospital
            Laparoscopic Surgery for Rectal Carcinoma—

            An Experience of 20 Cases in a Government

            Sector Hospital

            Ashok K Mathur, Sameer Gupta, Nisar Ahmed, Asit Arora, Akshay Sharma
            Upgraded Department of General Surgery, Unit 4, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan
            Correspondance: Sameer Gupta, Room No.175, Resident Doctors’ Hostel, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Rajasthan

            Abstract                                           INTRODUCTION

            Objective: To assess feasibility, advantages, oncological safety, cost  Laparoscopic techniques have been attempted and applied to
            effectiveness and long term results of laparoscopic surgery for rectal  wide range of colorectal disease since first published study of
            cancer in a government sector hospital.            laparoscopic colectomy in 1991 by Jacobs et al.  From its initial
            Method: From January 2005 to May 2007, 20 patients of operable  use in treatment of benign lesions such as diverticulosis, polyps,
            cancer rectum were subjected to laparoscopic curative resection. Surgical  rectal prolapse and inflammatory bowel disease laparoscopic
            technique, postoperative morbidity and clinical results were reviewed  techniques are increasingly being applied for curative resection
            in close follow-up for median period of 20 months (12 wks to 30  of colorectal cancer. Several advantages of laparoscopic
            months).                                           colorectal surgery have been reported, including reduction of
                                                               postoperative pain, shortened postoperative ileus, shortened
            Results: Fourteen patients underwent LAPR and 6 patients LAR.
                                                               hospital stay, better cosmesis and favorable effects on cytokine
            Median age was 39 years. Median operating time for Lap APR was  and hormonal responses. 2
            296 minutes, initial 7 cases taking an average of 368 minutes, while  However, there were and still are strong reservations
            subsequent 7 cases average operating time was 232.5 minutes. In Lap  regarding laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery with focus on
            AR, average duration of surgery was 356 minutes, first 4 cases taking  inadequate oncologic resection and risk of tumor cell spillage
            400 minutes while for last 2 cases, and mean operating time was  because of traumatic manipulation of tumor, putting patients at
            300 min.
                                                               risk of developing early recurrences. Also laparoscopic colorectal
               There was no intraoperative complication in either group. All  surgery entails a long and steep learning curve for the surgeon.
            patients mobilized on POD: (1)  Incidence of PONV was significantly  However in a number of recent studies, laparoscopic and
            less. Oral feeds were routinely started on POD, (2) Incidence of wound  open excision of rectal cancer were found to be equivalent in
            infection was also reduced (2/20). Hospital stay on an average was 11  achieving clear distal and radial margins, extent of resection, i.e.
            days as ours being a government sector hospital, patients were  number of lymph nodes sampled, length of bowel and mesentery
            discharged only after drain removal and thus stay was slightly  resected and bowel margins did not differ significantly between
            prolonged. Of the 20 patients, 17 were diagnosed to be Adenocarcinoma,
            2 with Malignant Melanoma and 1 with GIST. Two patients of  lap and open groups with satisfactory oncological control and
            malignant melanoma developed locoregional recurrence and 2 patients  functional outcomes.
            developed distant metastasis after approximately 1 year. No incidence  We describe our experience with laparoscopic resection of
            of port metastasis in any patient.                 rectosigmoid carcinoma in 20 patients in a Government sector
            Conclusion: Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is safe, feasible and meets
            oncologic requirements of radicality. Pattern of local recurrence and  PATIENTS AND METHODS
            distant metastasis is similar to open surgery. Lap surgery has a steeper
            learning curve. Cost of treatment decreased by use of Ligaclips for  From January 2005 to May 2007, 20 patients diagnosed to have
            intracorporeal vascular control and extracorporeal division of gut  rectosigmoid and rectal carcinoma, admitted in SU-IV of SMS
            whenever possible.                                 Hospital, Jaipur were selected to undergo laparoscopic curative
            Keywords: Rectal carcinoma; laparoscopy; anterior resection; abdo-  resection. Of these, 7 patients underwent lap anterior resection
            minoperineal resection.                            and 13 patients underwent lap APR, based on preoperative

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