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Minaya Bravo et al

                Three clear causes have been described like cause of liver  lating heparin like associated to hematological disease such
            hematoma: Small tears of the hepatic capsule after traction on  multiple myeloma or leukaemia. About the management: If the
            the gallbladder, puncture of the liver with the trocar when  patient is stable the hematoma can be observed or drained
            introducing the trocar and parenchymal injury while excision of  percutanously with ultrasound guidance, and if instable
            the gallbladder. 15                                laparotomy is mandatory.
               Others back up that this kind of complication is inherent to  More studies are needed to clear this causes and determinate
            the method of surgery itself. 5                    is some kind of study should be accomplished in patient with
               The diagnostic can be difficult till symptoms appear: Pain,  risk of bleeding, as though the role of the ketorolac.
            fever, vomits or shock hypovolemic.
               About the management: If the patient is stable, asympto-  REFERENCES
            matic and the hematoma is small, a conservative therapy is the
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            coagulation tests. We think that more studies about this  8. Geeta S, Shetty J. Stuart Falconer, Hakim Benyounes.
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            about bleeding in this patients. We cannot discard the breaking  cystectomy.  Journal of laparoscopic and advanced surgical
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               In the second case, ketorolac was also administrated during  Jamali, David Lipski, et al. Safety of Laparoscopic Approach
            and after surgery, 30 mg each 8 hours, intravenous. There were  for Acute Cholecystitis: Retrospective Study of 609 Cases.
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            of hemodynamic instability. But in this case, the cause seems  gastrointestinal bleeding associated with the use of NSAIDs:
            to be a few more clear image of 2 cm of size compatible with a  newer versus older agents. Drug Saf 2004;27(6):411-20.
            hemangioma was found in an ultrasound during the follow-up.  11. Jensen K, Kehlet H, Lund CM. Postoperative recovery profile
            We think that the hemangioma could have been broken fortui-  after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a prospective observational
            tously during surgery and not seen, and the ketorolac given  study of a multimodal anesthetic regime. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.
            would have aggravated the lesion, like Pietra et al. supports in  2007;51(4):464-71.
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               We conclude, the LC is a safe method and the choice for  of the liver after laparoscopic cholecystectomy . J Laparoendosc
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