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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2008;1(3):46-48
                                                       Minaya Bravo et al
            Two Rare Cases of Intrahepatic Subcapsular

            Hematoma After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

            Minaya Bravo, González AM, González E, Cardeñoso Payo P, Ortiz Aguilar M, Larrañaga E
            La Princesa Hospital, Calle Diego de León, n 62. 28006, Madrid, Spain

            Abstract                                              On the fifth day after surgery, the patient had right upper
                                                               quadrant pain, nauseas and vomits. Blood test showed a light
            The appearance of subcapsular hematoma liver after a laparoscopic
            cholecystectomy is a complication few studied and few cases have  decrease of hemoglobin: 9.6 g/L. An ultrasound was made and
            been described in the literature. Some of them have been connected to  no lesions were revealed.
            administration of ketorolac during and after surgery, because of its  After 24 hours, the patient showed hemodynamic instability,
            anti-platelet activity. But other factors such as hemangioma or  hypotension and tachycardia, and blood test: hemoglobin of
            lacerations could play an important role as well. In addition, the  4.5g/L, and increase of liver enzymes: GOT 5782, GPT 367 and
            presence of circulating heparin-like anticoagulant present in  FA 146. A CT (Figs 1 and 2) revealed an intrahepatic subcapsular
            hematological diseases like leukemia, multiple myeloma or amyloidosis  collection in V, VI and VII hepatic segments
            would increase the risk of bleeding. We present two cases of subcapsular  (16 × 5 cm). The patient was admitted in the ICU. An arterio-
            hematoma liver after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, both of them  graphy was performed but no signs of active bleeding were
            were given ketorolac, and one of them had multiple myeloma.
            Keywords: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy; subcapsular hematoma   So, an exploratory laparotomy was made due to
            liver; complication; ketorolac.                    hemodynamic instability despite blood and plasma support.
                                                               An important hematoma in the right lobe hepatic was observed;
            INTRODUCTION                                       it was drained and packing, a hepatic biopsy was taken. Neither
            The appearance of subcapsular liver hematoma after a laparos-  parenchymal injury of the gallbladder bed nor iatrogenic lesions
            copic cholecystectomy (LC) is a complication few frequent and  were seen. After 48 hours, the packing was reviewed and no
            few studied. Some cases have been connected to ketorolac  signs of bleeding were seen.
            given during surgery and after surgery. Others described causes  The patient recovered uneventfully. Control CT was per-
            are: hemangiomas or small iatrogenic lesions that could be  formed 20 days after surgery and it revealed avascular areas in
            aggravated by administration of ketorolac. Coagulation dys-  V, VI and VII hepatic segments. Rest of liver was normal.
            function like circulating heparin like seen in hematological disea-
            ses is cause of bleeding after aggressive procedures.
               We describe two cases of subcapsular liver hematoma after
            LC, both of them have been given intravenous ketorolac and
            one of them had multiple myeloma. We discuss the causes and
            treatment of it.

            CASE 1
            A 69 years old woman with medical history of multiple myeloma
            and Pott´s disease was admitted for elective laparoscopic
            cholecystectomy (LC). An ultrasound previous to surgery
            showed cholelithiasis without signs of cholecystitis. Blood tests
            were normal (hemoglobin 13.5 g/L and normal coagulation tests).
               LC was performed using four trocars: Two 10 mm trocars
            and two 5 mm trocars. The dissection was accomplished without
            difficulty. Neither wounds nor lacerations were observed during
            surgery. The patient was administered 30 mg of intravenous
            ketorol at the end of the surgery and the three days following
            surgery, 30 mg each 8 hours. The postoperative period was a  Fig. 1: Intrahepatic subcapsular collection in V, VI and
            bit slow due to pyrexia and few gastrointestinal symptoms.          VII hepatic segments

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