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Ashon Sa’adi et al

            occasional patient will report alteration of the sensation of  DISCUSSION
            bladder fullness due to interruption of sympathetic fibers  Comparisons between LUNA and PSN
            carrying bladder sensation. Some patients may report a decrease
            of vaginal lubrication with sexual arousal.  Constipation is not a  In a randomized study, Tjaden, et al., 1990; Candiani, et al; 1992;
            predictable consequence of presacral neurectomy since the  Zullo, et al., 2003 have been published three randomized
            parasympathetic fibers which stimulate evacuation of the  controlled trials using PSN along with other surgical treatment
            rectosigmoid pass through the inferior hypogastric plexus (also  of endometriosis. 22,24,27  A randomized controlled trial comparing
            termed the pelvic plexus) and are not interrupted by PSN. Chen  outcomes of PSN to LUNA has also been published Chen FP,
            FP, Soong YK,1997: There are 485 (74%) of 655 patients com-  et al 1996. The comparison between laparoscopic presacral
            plained of constipation after laparoscopic presacral neurectomy,  neurectomy (LPSN) and LUNA for control of primary
            which was relieved easily by medication. There were  0.6%  dysmenorrhea showed effectiveness of 87.9% and 82.9%,
            major complications that required further surgery, including  respectively, at the 3-month postoperative follow-up, whereas,
            injury of the right internal iliac artery and chylous ascites. And  long-term LPSN was shown to be more effective than LUNA
            0.5% cases had laceration of the middle sacral vein controlled  (81.8% vs 51.4 % at the 12-month visit).   Another study
            during laparoscopy. Chen FP, Soong YK, 1997 (Table 1). In  showed that the efficacy of LUNA declined from 72% in the
            patients undergoing laparoscopic PSN, follow-up observation  first year to 39% in the fourth year.    However, only PSN but
            has shown evidence of long-term efficacy, similar to that seen  not LUNA was beneficial for alleviating secondary dys-
            after laparotomy PSN. 21,22                        menorrheal associated with endometriosis in some randomized
            TABLE 1: The randomized controlled trials using  LUNA or PSN for surgical treatment of pain management have been published

            Author                   Year        Patients      Result of research         Others
            Litchen E, et al 23     1987          21           Decrease efficacy 4th year LUNA  LUNA 1st and 4th year
            Tjaden, et al. 22       1990          26           There is some evidence of  LUNA vs control of no
                                                               the effective              treatment
            Candiani, et al. 24     1992          71           No statistically significant  More complication
                                                               differences  RCT
            Chapron C, et al 25     1996          21           94%  improvement of pain   LUNA deep endometriosis
            Chen FP, Chang, et al. 26  1996       68           PSN was better in 1 year   PSN and LUNA
            Chen FP, Soong YK et al 20  1997      655          Significant for 12th month
                                                               RCT                        PSN more complication
            Zullo, et al. 27        2003          141          More effective PSN,        PSN and LUNA
            Soysal ME, et al 28     2003          15           Significant resolusi pain  Baseline and PSN
                                                               and sexual 3,6,12 months
                                                               Prospective observational
            Vercellini, et al.  (29)  2003        180          Recurrent dysmenorrhea     LUNA for pain endometriosis
                                                               was similar for both groups
            Johnson NP, et al. 30   2004          123          Significant reduction of   LUNA and medicine
                                                               No significant difference in  RCT
                                                               non-menstrual  pelvic pain, deep
                                                               dyspareunia or dyschezia
            Proctor, et al, 6       2005      Data Collection  No significant symptom by  Case : Primary dysmenorhea
                                             and Meta-analysis:  LUNA-PNS
                                                 7 RCTs        Unuseful                   Endometriosis
            Juang, et al 31         2006          12           Increase in satisfactory rate 3th  LUNA for deep dyspareunia
                                                               and decrease in 12th  months  Pilot study
                                                               prospective observational
            Latthe PM, et al 32       2007   Data collection and  LUNA still effective    LUNA vs No surgical
                                              Meta-analysis:   PSN more effective         LUNA vs PSN
                                                 9 RCTs        Not significant in
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