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Pramod T Shinde
            repairs (one in TEP and the other in TAPP) did show promising  in terms of postoperative pain, seromas, and trocar-related
            results in terms of recurrence, 40,51  justification for routine  trauma. However the use of fibrin glue needs extensive study,
            nonstapling of the mesh in TEP is not yet substantiated.  The  as the anatomical dissection and inguinal region preparation
            low rate of chronic pain complications was similarly observed  have to be carefully performed, and the mesh size has to be
            in many studies by avoiding stapling.This confirms that mesh  adequate; peritoneum closure with a running suture is more
            stapling does play a key role in generating postoperative pain  time consuming. Large randomized trials and longer follow-up
            after laparoscopic hernia repair.  The compared studies had a  are required to demonstrate the advantages of either technique.
            relatively short follow-up with a small number of patients and
            different evaluation periods, the procedures compared were  REFERENCES
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