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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy—Beyond Garry and Reich Classification
            surgery it was felt that on the balance they represented a failure  neoplasm, chronic cervicitis, and the nature of the ovarian
            of planned procedure and should be considered as major  neoplasm are easily confirmed during TLH/LAVH.
            complications. 3                                      Years after the first case of TLH and laparoscopic assisted
               Analysis of studies, show that complications usually arise  hysterectomy was published; this operative procedures are
            during the learning curve of the new procedure. A publication  performed in relatively few centers worldwide. The reasons for
            from Finland analyzing prospectively 10110 hysterectomies  this restriction can be unavailability of a formal curriculum, lack
            performed nationwide revealed that with increasing experience  of standardization of procedures and training as well as the
            of surgeries performed by the surgeon, the number of  cost of infrastructure. Therefore, a proper training program with
            complications was significantly decreased.  This can be  a standardized procedure is necessary for the education of the
            attributed to the performance of the same standardized steps  resident and fellow doctors to qualify them for coping with the
            every time in the surgeries makes the surgeon well-versed with  possible difficulties encountered during this surgery. The cost
            the technique and decreases the rate of complications.  of equipment and disposables needs to come down as well.
               The average intraoperative blood loss for laparoscopic  It is important for a gynecological surgeon to add TLH to
            assisted vaginal hysterectomy is about 200 m/s. The mean  his surgical armamentarium on condition that he is well-familiar
            operative time is two hours. The postoperative complication  with the performance of LAVH.  In turn, for a surgeon to be
            rate has been quoted to be about 5.9%.  Through the use of  proficient in LAVH he ought to be a good vaginal surgeon
            standardized procedural steps TLH and assisted vaginal  capable of performing vaginal hysterectomy for nondescend
            hysterectomy can become an easy procedure which can be  uterus. So much so, at any stage if difficulty are encountered,
            mastered by many. The salient features of the steps include use  the surgeon must be able to convert TLH to laparoscopic
            of a combination of regional and general anesthesia, ergonomic  hysterectomy (LH) or LAVH, and seldom a surgeon may be
            port, patient and surgeon positioning, proper retraction of the  called upon to complete hysterectomy by the abdominal route
            uterus, appropriate sharp dissection and the prudent of  (the default operation). 14,17
            energized equipment, including bipolar forceps and harmonic. 7  In summary, laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopic
               There is compelling need for continuous refining of the  assisted vaginal hysterectomy are a safe route provided the
            technique of hysterectomy to avoid traumatic, hemorrhagic and  surgeons are well-trained, because then the rate of complications
            infective morbidity, speedy recovery with minimal hospita-  is not higher than that observed with laparotomy or by the
            lization, early return to work and therefore providing quality  vaginal. It is important to indicate that conversion to any mode
            health care.                                       of hysterectomy from another, should be considered as a dictate
               The average total LAVH cost is $7,500 to the patients, in  of safety and efficacy rather than a surgical complication.
            the West, if use of disposable instruments is limited and the  The American college of obstetricians and gynecologists
            use of bipolar cautery is encouraged instead of sutures or Endo  guidelines state that the route of hysterectomy should depend
            GIA that are more expensive. 16                    on the patient’s anatomy and surgeon’s experience. 12
               Minimal access hysterectomy is a recently introduced
            technique and even though the complications associated with  REFERENCES
            this operation have already been addressed, larger studies, both  1. Puntambekar SP, Wagh GN, et al. A novel technique for
            with respect to the number of patients and the length of follow-  Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for routine use. Int J Biomedical
            up, are necessary so that the real risk of complications can be  Sci. Vol 4 No 1. March 2008.
            properly assessed.                                   2. Wu JM, Wechter ME, Geller E, et al. Hysterectomy rates in the
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               In spite of the dramatic increase of LAVH procedure since  3. Babolola EO, Bharucha AE, et al. Decreasing utilization of
            its first description in 1989, its value remained controversial.  abdominal hysterectomy. A population based study. Amj
            advocates encourage LAVH as a procedure for conversion of  Obstet Gynecol 2007;196:214.
            abdominal hysterectomy into a vaginal one. Indeed vaginal  4. AGOG Committee Opinion Number 311, April 2005.
            hysterectomy entails fewer complications, shortened hospital  Apropriate use of laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy.
            stay, more rapid recovery and return to normal activity. This is  Obstet Gynecol 2005;105:959.
            in addition to the better cosmetic appearance of the laparoscopic  5. El-Toukhy TA, Hefni M, et al. The effects of different types of
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            critics point out that LAVH requires longer operative time and  study. Amj Obstet Gynecol 2004;24:420.
            is more expensive.                                   6. The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. The manage-
               Studies show that LAVH could be done in a wide variety of  ment of menorrhagia in secondary care. The Royal College of
                                                                    Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 2004. National Evidence-Based
            indicated cases of hysterectomy. Other diagnoses that are  Clinical Guidelines.
            difficult to be made clinically such as adenomyosis, endo-  7. Garry R, Fountain J, Mason S, Hawe J, Napp V, Abbott J, et al.
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