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P. 49

            DISCUSSION                                            Poor vaginal accessibility in majority of patients is also the
                                                               reason why, despite the use of laparoscopy, some centers use
            Hysterectomy is one of the most commonly performed major  uterine volume reduction procedures.
            operations. Approximately 600,000 hysterectomies are  When the use of reduction techniques was essential, several
            performed in the United States each year and 20% of women in  procedures including morcellation, bivalving, coring, were
            the UK undergo hysterectomy before the age of sixty. 2,3  combined. For these patients, laparoscopic surgery should not
            Historically the uterus has been removed by either the  be considered ‘a waste of time’ but rather as the only solution
            abdominal or vaginal route. The vaginal operation is preferable  to enable them to avoid laparotomy.
            when there are no contraindications because of lower morbidity  The indications for abdominal hysterectomy are those that
            and quicker recovery. Laparoscopic hysterectomy has gained  constitute the contraindication for vaginal hysterectomy.
            a lot of attention internationally in the recent passed. The role
            of minimally invasive surgery in the management pelvic  Laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy modifies the contrain-
            abnormalities continues to expand. However the role of  dication since tissue dissection and mobilization is initiated
            laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy viz a vis that of  intra-abdominal as elucidated by Garry and Reich.  There is
            laparoscopic total hysterectomy remains of great interest and  also diversity in the quality of literature on the subject. The
            opportunity to expand on the options available to the  main variables with regard to the subject mater include the
            laparoscopic surgeon to deal pelvic pathology. The most  number of patients in the trial, withdrawal of cases, exclusion of
            common indications for hysterectomy include fibroids (30%),  cases, blinding if the study, local medical care practice, the use
            abnormal uterine bleeding (20%), endometriosis (20%) and  of prophylactic antibiotic treatment and follow-up failure within
            genital prolapsed (15%). 6,7,10                    the study period become important factors.
               Despite all the advantages of vaginal and laparoscopic  A retrospective observational comparing LAVH, TAH and
            surgery over laparotomy, the majority of hysterectomies  VH was carried out. Many of the laparoscopic vaginal
            indicated for benign pathologies are carried out by laparotomy.  hysterectomies were converted to abdominal hysterectomy. The
            The VALUE study suggested that 67% of surgeons still used  evaluate study concluded that although it could be considered
            the abdominal approach as the main mode of hysterectomy.  that such conversions represented prudent surgery it was felt
            Other multicenter studies which provide a good representation  that on the balance they represented a failure of planned 7
            of the means by which hysterectomies are earned out, show  procedure and should be considered as major complications.
            that only 30% of the operations use the vaginal route, including  Laparoscopic hysterectomies particularly TLH are fast trying
            laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy. 7      to fulfill the goals of every pelvis surgeon of providing safe
               For hysterectomies carried out on nonprolapsed uterus the  easily performed procedure which provdes significant
            results reported demonstrate that on average only 27% are  satisfaction to the patient. A great proportion of hysterectomy
            carried out by the vaginal route. These results alone justify the  are performed totally laparoscopicaly and are much less traumatic
            statement that there is a place for laparoscopic surgery for  than vaginal, LAVH or open abdominal hysterectomies
            hysterectomy in order to reduce the number of laparotomies.  according to some studies. The benefits include reduced blood
               Nulliparous patients are very representative of the  loss, reduced risk of surgical injuries, less pain and early
            population of patients for whom vaginal surgery rarely presents  mobilization. Studies indicate the potential of TLH to become
            under the best conditions for surgeons with average training  the method of choice over the currently popular laparoscopically
            minimal access surgery. Almost 40% of hysterectomies in  assisted vaginal hysterectomy. 3,8
            nulliparous patients used laparoscopic surgery.       In total laparoscopic abdominal surgery; different levels of
               Many studies show that laparoscopic hysterectomy  injury have been reported, including bladder, ureter, bowel and
            increasingly replacing open hysterectomy are in line with this  vascular injuries.  These results underline the fact that, this is a
            evolution. 1,3,30  One reason for this is the laparoscopic surgery  difficult operation requiring considerable skill in laparoscopic
            technique used for hysterectomy. Whereas certain centers  surgery.
            perform simple LAVH, others used total laparoscopic   Recently the evaluate study concluded that LAVH was
            hysterectomy for all the patients. For certain patients, simple  associated with a significantly higher rate of major complications
            LAVH may be enough to avoid laparotomy, but in others with  than abdominal total hysterectomy (TAH). LAVH took longer
            very poor vaginal accessibility the only alternative to laparotomy  to perform but was associated with less pain, quicker recovery
            is to carry out total hysterectomy exclusively via the  and better short-term quality of life measures. In contrast to
            laparoscopic route. The important role played by vaginal  this the study by Lumsden et al did not show any difference in
            accessibility when establishing the indication for total  postsurgery recovery, satisfaction with the outcome of the
            laparoscopic hysterectomy has already been underlined in  operation or quality of life four weeks postoperatively between
            certain series in which nearly half the patients who underwent  TAH and LAVH. The study concluded that although it could
            laparoscopic hysterectomy were nulliparous.        be considered that such conversions represented prudent

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