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Laparoscopic versus Various Types of Open Ligation of Testicular Veins for Treatment of Varicocele
            •  In group 1:                                     the benefits and how it could be instituted more widely.  There
               – 164 patients had LVL of which 6 patients developed  is also diversity in quality of randomized clinical trials; the main
                  recurrence [3.8%].                           variables in these trials are the following parameters:
            •  Also in group 1: Retropubic collateral channels were  1. No. of patients in trial.
               identified in 7% cases during LVL.              2. Withdrawal of cases.
               – Lateral collateral channels were identified in 17% cases  3. Exclusion of cases.
                  during LVL.                                  4. Blinding.
               – All collaterals were interrupted by clipping or diathermy.  5. Publication.
               Testicular artery was detected in 94% cases in group 18%].  6. Intention to treat analysis.
            Repair of right inguinal hernia [5 patients 3%]. 75% cases in  7. Local practice variation.
            group 2.                                           8. Prophylactic antibiotic used.
                                                               9. Follow-up failure bias.
               In group 1:  Other procedures were concomitantly performed
            including right orchidopexy [14 patients 8%]. Repair of right  CONCLUSION
            inguinal hernia [5 patients 3%].
               In group 1: No intra-abdominal visceral or vascular injuries  LVL is minimally invasive procedure that is easy to perform
            with LVL. Three patients had pneumoscrotum which resolved  with simple instrument, but other procedures like hernia repair
            spontaneously within 24-48 hours?                  can be simultaneously performed. It is the best approach when
               One patient in each group developed wound infection.  recurrent disease and obesity are problems. The clear
               Scrotal  edema developed in 11 patients in group 2 compared  visualization magnification facilitate detection of abnormal
            to only 3 patients in group 1.                     collateral channels, one of major reasons for postoperative
               In group 2: All required one or more narcotic injections after  recurrences. LVL has minimal postoperative morbidity, shorter
            surgery.                                           convalescence and faster return to normal activity.
               In group 1: Only 13% required one or more narcotic  REFERENCES
            injections after surgery.
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               Ipsilateral hydrocele developed in 3 patients in each group.  varicocele. Urol Clin N Am 2003;12(1):177-86.
            No testicular atrophy in any case of study regardless whether  3. Honig SC, Thompson S. Reassessment of male factor infertility
            testicular artery was clipped or not. Improvement in seminal  including varicocele, sperm penetration assay, semen analysis
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            DISCUSSION                                              superior operation. Ann R Coll Surg Eng 2002:75(5):345-48.
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            Laparoscopic varicocelectomy has gained lot of attention  Int Uro Nephrol 2000:28(1):91-97.
            around the world. However, the role of laparoscopy in varicocele  6. Lyon PR, Marshall S.Varicocele in childhood and adolescence,
            remains controversial. Several controlled trials have been  implication in adulthood infertility. Urology 1999:19:641-44.
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            goal of this review was to ascertain that if laparoscopic  comparative study. Am Journal Surgery 2003 Feb 185(2);
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