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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):42-48
                                                       Pramod T Shinde
            Fibrin Sealant versus Use of Tackers for

            Fixation of Mesh in Laparoscopic Inguinal

            Hernia Repair

            Pramod T Shinde
            Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon, Bhagwati Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

            Abstract                                           mesh size has to be adequate; peritoneum closure with a running
            Background: Laparoscopic fixation of meshes prior to their fibrous  suture is more time consuming. Large randomized trials and longer
            incorporation should be reliable to minimize recurrences following  follow-up are required to demonstrate the advantages of either
            transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP) and totally  technique.
            extraperitoneal repair (TEP) repair of inguinal hernias. However, suture,  Keywords: Laparoscopic hernia mesh repair, fibrin sealant and tackers,
            tack and staple-based fixation systems are associated with postoperative  mesh fixation.
            chronic inguinal pain. Initial fixation with fibrin sealant offers an
            atraumatic alternative, but there is little data showing that fibrin-based  INTRODUCTION
            mesh adhesion provides adequate biomechanical stability for repair of
            inguinal hernia by TAPP and TEP.                   Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernias can be accomplished
                                                               by totally extraperitoneal (TEP) or transabdominal preperitoneal
            Methods: A literature search was performed using medline and the  (TAPP) techniques. It involves mesh fixation to avoid
            search Google, Springer link and Highwire press. The following search
            terms were used: Laparoscopic hernia mesh, Fibrin glue, and Tackers.  displacement and recurrence. Fixation usually uses staples that
            2293 citations were found in total.Selected papers were screened for  can lead to nerve injury and chronic postoperative pain.
            further references. Criteria for selection of literature were the number  The correct fixation of the mesh, as well as the right size of
            of cases (excluded if less than 80), methods of analysis (statistical or  the graft, are considered the most important surgical steps in
            nonstatistical), operative procedure (only universally accepted  the laparoscopic hernia repair to prevent the risk of recurrence. 7
            procedures were selected) and the institution where the study was  The use of 10 mm titanium staples to fix the mesh is the
            done (specialized institution for laparoscopic surgery).  conventional approach. Some studies of laparoscopic hernia
            Results: Mesh fixation has always invited lots of interest amongst  repair have shown that recurrences are caused by the rolling up
            surgeons and instrument companies due to the wide range of post-  of the mesh, incorrect stretching of the mesh, or by incomplete
            operative complications each of them caused. TAPP and TEP usually  covering of the hernia defect. A correct method of securing the
            involves fixation of mesh, however many studies challenging the mesh  mesh has been recommended by several authors. Anyhow,
            fixation in TEP are being published. There are two most common  some complications of laparoscopic hernia repair, such as nerve
            methods of fixing mesh using fibrin glue (Tissucol) and tackers. Fibrin  injury (chronic postoperative pain, neuralgias, pubalgias) and
            sealant possesses both mechanical strength and elasticity. Overall,  hematomas in the Retzius space (bleeding from vascular lesions)
            data from previous studies, shows that mesh stability with fibrin  are inherent to the use of the staples. 10
            sealant fixation is at least equivalent to suture fixation, indicating that  Fibrin glue (Tissucol/Tisseel, Baxter health care, Deerfield,
            fibrin sealant could be considered the fixation method of choice in  IL, USA) offers an atraumatic alternative, but there is insufficient
            inguinal hernia repair. This new method of mesh fixation is obviously  data giving direct evidence whether fibrin-based mesh adhesion
            potentially less harmful than stapling the mesh and can help reduce  provides adequate biomechanical stability. 9,11
            the risk of chronic postoperative pain at a comparative or even lower
            cost than a stapling device.                          Tackers are associated with a certain amount of surgical
                                                               trauma and complications such as neuralgia or paresthesia
            Conclusions: Fibrin glue gives an adequate mesh fixation with a less  because of nerve entrapment. Pubalgia is caused by stapling of
            chance of chronic postoperative pain. It appears to be an alternative to  the prosthesis to Cooper’s ligament. Bleeding or hematomas in
            staples and may help reduce the postoperative pain problems after
            hernia repair. All methods give the same results in terms of recurrence  Retzius space (muscular, corona mortis) also can occur. In terms
            rate, hospital stay, and costs; but with better results in terms of post-  of tensile strength and mesh dislocation, fibrin glue is equivalent
            operative pain, seromas, and trocar-related trauma. However the use  to stapling and better than no fixation of the mesh.
            of fibrin glue needs extensive study, as the anatomical dissection and  Some data suggest that mesh fixation is not needed for
            inguinal region preparation have to be carefully performed, and the  preserving satisfactory long-term results, stapling of the mesh
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