Page 43 - WJOLS - Surgery Journal
P. 43

Pramod T Shinde
            paramount and parietex (Sofradim) which seems ideal because  Various studies report from 0 to 6% of postoperative
            it is easily glued and the polyester structure is rapidly integrated  neuropathic complications. 13,32,33  In our total review, the
            into the peritoneum. This is also helped by fixing with Tissucol.  incidence is very low (0.09%) as surgeons tend to avoid staples
               Polyester is a reticular knit able to promote genesis of new  placement in nerve areas and to use the minimum number of
            vessels, whilst polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is of laminar  staples. Chronic pain is not always due to staples, but may be
            structure, and enhances cellular infiltration of the outer third of  caused by inflammatory reaction around the mesh with scarring
            the structure. Newly formed vessels do not penetrate PTFE  around the nerve, which may induce neurologic pain as in open
            because the laminar interface is not as good as the reticular  technique. Bleeding and incisional hernia from the 10 mm trocar
            one. Polyester is also better because it causes a milder  site may be reduced using 5 mm ports. Another important aspect
            inflammatory reaction and a great fibroblastic proliferation. For  is recurrence after hernia repair; in the laparoscopic technique
            these reasons we believe polyester and fibrin glue to be the  the possible causes are: insufficient extent of dissection,
            biomaterials of choice for peritoneal only laparoscopic  inadequate size of the prosthesis, and incorrect kind of fixation
            hernioplasty.                                      of the mesh. It is important to reach on overlap of at least 2-3 cm
               Laparoscopic hernia repair is a technique that cannot be  from the hernia edge; if this is not possible the possibility of
            learned as quickly as the conventional open technique by young  migration of the prosthesis is too high. The use of fibrin glue to
            surgeons or by surgeons who are not expert in minimal-invasive  fix the mesh was not associated with an increased recurrence
            surgery. Some surgeons consider a good learning curve of about  rate, but no significant difference were observed in terms of
            250 operations for laparoscopic hernia repair  to reach a  neuropathic complications or seroma. It is the use of a 5 mm
            recurrence rate similar to that of the Lichtenstein’s technique.  trocar rather than 10 mm that reduces intraoperative bleeding,
            This is not correct, as a young surgeon who works in a  and postoperative trocar site pain, as well as incisional hernias.
            mininvasive surgical department can easily learn the minimal-  The use of Tissucol reduces epigastric vessels incidental
            invasive technique working with an expert senior surgeon.  lesions, and has a hemostatic effect, reducing hematomas.
               The operative cost of laparoscopy is higher, but it is  The operative time is longer by about 10 minutes compared
            important to consider the results and patient satisfaction. The  with the use of staples; this is due primarily to the peritoneum
            costs depend on the operative time, use of disposable  closure using a running laparoscopic suture. The operative
            instruments, type of mesh and method of fixation, hospital stay,  costs of the two techniques is similar if we use 2 ml of Tissucol
            and time to return to normal activity. 28,29  In many cases however,  for each hernia. In some studies the use of fibrin glue was less
            the laparoscopic approach is adopted at the request of the  expensive than stapling. 24
            patient during their first visit. Complications in laparoscopic  Results and complications (832 Patients)
            approach may be important but are related to the surgeon’s
            laparoscopic experience and to a good knowledge of                         Fibrin glue use  Staples use
            laparoscopic anatomy which can avoid the risks of vascular or  Operative time (minutes)  35  25
            nerve injury during dissection or clips positioning. Others  Discharge (hours)  24        24
            complications are typical of laparoscopy (trocar lesions,  • Groin chronic pain  0%       0%
            electrocautery lesions, and so on).                  • Hematoma of scrotum  0%            1.14%
               A laparoscopic or conventional open approach to repair  • Seroma        2.4%           2.29%
            inguinal hernia is used depending on the characteristics of the  • Trocar hernia  0%      1.14%
                                                                 • Trocar site bleeding
            patient and hernia type, but when possible a minimal invasive  • 10 mm trocar site pain  0%  5.88%
            approach gives the patients more benefits and better results.  Reccurence rate  0         0
            The possibility of using different methods to fix the mesh, during  Using the TAPP technique, chronic pain was only observed
            recent years, may be an interesting possibility to reduce the  in 0.13%. A statistically significant difference was found
            complication rate and to obtain better postoperative recovery.  concerning postoperative pain 30 days after surgery on the
            The first experience in the use of human fibrin glue (Tissucol)  right flank in the area of the 10 mm trocar. Other differences that
            for mesh fixation was in open hernia repair.  For laparoscopic  are worth mentioning are those related to some postoperative
            hernia repair the possibility of nerve injury (pain or paresthesia)  complications due to the 10 mm trocar on the right flank: reduced
            caused by entrapment from incorrect placement of staples  bleeding, reduced postoperative discomfort and the lower risk
            (above all lateral cutaneus femoral nerve, but ilioinguinal, and  of incisional hernias.This was a pilot study; it of course needs
            genitofemoral are also at risk) 13,30  and epigastric vessels lesion  confirmation in a larger randomized trial.
            by clips application may be avoided using fibrin glue either in  In some studies, TAPP hernia repair with Tissucol resulted
            the TAPP technique  or in the TEP. 24,31  It seems that not only  in a low rate of postoperative pain and rapid resumption of
            entrapment but also postoperative fibrous scar around the  normal activities. Postoperative complications affected only
            staples can lead to nerve injury. 16               2.2% (7/320) of the hernias and were readily treated without the

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