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Laparoscopic Adjustable Silicon Gastric Banding versus Sleeve Gastrectomy
et al in a study of 500 patients who underwent LASGB. They trials. The main variable in these trials are the following
observed improved quality of life in obese patients and reported parameters: number of patients, withdrawal of cases, exclusion
that half of the excess body weight can be effortlessly lost of cases, blinding, intention to treat analysis, publication biasis,
within 2 years. 21, 28 local practice variation, prophylactic antibiotics used and follow-
up failure.
Obesity is associated with several complications and
comorbidities that lead to both physical and psychologic Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy though, forms a safe surgical
problems. Over 400 000 deaths are attributable to obesity in the option for weight loss treatment particularly in the very-very-
United States alone each year, and obesity is identified as the obese patients (BMI > 60 kg/m ). LASGB gives satisfactory
second most common cause of death after smoking from results and coupled with reversibility and low cost, it is an
modifiable behavioral risk factors. Unfortunately, the important tool in the long-term management of patients with
conservative weight loss approach consisting of diet, exercise, morbid obesity.
and medication generally achieves only 5 to 10% reduction in
body weight, and recidivism after such weight loss exceeds REFERENCES
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