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Trocar Site Hernia
            Stretching the Port Site for Retrieval                Following were the predisposing factors affecting the
                                                               trocar site hernia:
            Enlargement of umbilical wound for retrieving this specimen  1. Trocar size: Bigger the size of trocar more the chance of

            may be the cause of trocar site hernia. It is certain that forced  trocar site hernia.
            dilation of fascial layer is considered to be cause for herniation.  2. Closing trocar site/leaving open: Hernia was reported more
                                                                  when the trocar site was left open.
            Effects of CO
                        2                                      3. Open/closed laparoscopy: Open method by Hasson’s trocar
            CO  may push the omentum/intestine through the insertion  has shown less chance of trocar site hernia when compare
            point in the fascia. These structures of may be trapped by  to closed method by Veress needle, by Mayol, et al. 22
            abdominal contractions. 6,8  Duoron et al  stated said that partial  4. Location: Most hernia appeared at midline trocar and
            vacuum is created with the withdrawal of port, thus drawing  umbilical sites were found to be commonest.
            intestine/omentum in the fascial defect.           5. Stretching portsite for retrieval of tissue was another cause
                                                                  for trocar site hernia.
            Host Problem                                       6. Effect of compressed CO .
                                                               7. Obesity and nutrition.
            Azurin et al, stated that trocar site hernia occur in patient with  8. Infection of port site was the important predisposing factor
            comorbidity as wound infection, obesity, diabetics mellitus,  for development of trocar site hernia.
            although these did not reach statistical significance with
            obesity and nutrition was also one of the factor of trocar site  CONCLUSION
                                                               In this review article, classification of trocar site hernia was done
            Infection                                          by various study reports. We believe that a more clinical accurate
                                                               identification is available from this classification. This may be
            Port site infection is the predisposing factor for the development  useful for preventing complications in laparoscopy surgery if
            of the hernia. Callery et al,  reported that often umbilical insertion  the surgeon is aware of the correlation between the types of
            gets infected. Late onset hernia may be related to infection from  trocar site hernia and clinical manifestation before the surgery.
            stab wound.
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