Page 37 - WJOLS - Surgery Journal
P. 37

Alaa Bakir Raheem
            OUTCOME AND FOLLOW-UP                                 There is also diversity in the quality of the randomized

            Patient follow-up in the convalescence stage were evaluatedin  controlled trails. The main variable in these trails are the
                                                               following parameters:
            the outpatient clinic evaluation included physical examination,  Number of patient in the trail with drawl of cases studied in
            abdominal sonography and liver function tests. Abdominal  open is more study available due to the task of laparoscopy is
            X-Ray, sinogram for the residual persisting cavity if necessary.  early practiced in that the first trail of laparoscopic drainage of
            Postoperative ERCP was not necessary in every patient.
                                                               liver hydatid disease was done at 1994 16,17,19,20  regarding
                                                               exclusion of cases done according to the local surgical practice
                                                               and laws that govern the selection of patients for safe end
            Conversion to open laparotomy was performed in a very few  result. Blinding also was taken in full consideration intention to

            number of patient whohad 2 large hydatid cysts and abnormal  treat analysis was gained a lot of time to predict a lower and
            liver function tests  in the most of the mentioned studies.  highest p value in the studies. Publication biases was taken the
                                                               highest respective publications and most authorized all over
            COMPLICATIONS                                      the world. Taken in to consideration the local practice variations

            Bile peritonitis occurred for large cysts can be treated  in areas where these studies done. 21
            conservatively. This complication can be treated by laparoscopy  CONCLUSION

            (lavage and pericysticdrainage) or by laparotomy anaphylactic
            reaction which might occur when the assembling of  Minimally access surgery invade the field of liver hydatid disease

            the transparent cannula over a relatively protruding cyst is  and deliver excellence result in properly selected patients in

            triad if this thin membrane of the cyst ruptured, whoever  certain center of laparoscopy surgery and appeared to be
            this complication can be successfully treated with fluids,  promising in this field of newly generated surgical practice which
            ephedrine, and dopamine and the postoperative convalescence  is safe and effective method in selected patients. Further studies
            was uneventful. In most of patients reported in most of the  should be encouraged in this field because there is no
            series. 13,16                                      universally accepted standard technique all over the world.

               Atelectasis, pneumonia, and drug-induced fever as equal
            as open surgery.                                   REFERENCES

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