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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):30-34
                                                       Emmanuel E Akpo
            Laparoscopic Adjustable Silicon

            Gastric Banding versus Sleeve


            Emmanuel E Akpo
            Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon, Surgery Department, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

            Abstract                                           acceptability and the physicians’ dilemma. Laparoscopic
            Background and purpose: Obesity now forms one of the leading  adjustable silicone gastric banding (LASGB) and laparoscopic
            public health concerns globally. Several surgical options including sleeve  sleeve gastrectomy are emerging surgical procedures for the
            gastrectomy exist for its treatment. Recently, laparoscopic gastric  treatment of morbid obesity. Their main advantage is
            banding has been developed with the aim of providing a laparoscopically  comparable reduction in complication rates. 12,13  Laparoscopic
            placed device that is safe and effective in generating substantial weight  adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) was introduced in the early
            loss. The goal of this review is to compare the effectiveness and safety
            of laparoscopic adjustable silicon gastric banding (LASGB) and  1990s to serve as a minimally invasive, potentially safe, reversible
            laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) in the treatment of morbid  and controllable method to achieve significant weight loss by
            obesity by reviewing the methods of patient selection, operative time,  using a gastric band incorporating an adjustable silicone balloon
            conversion rate, complications, blood loss, postoperative morbidity  for open placement.
            and mortality, hospital stay, and quality of life.    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) was introduced as
            Material and methods: A systematic literature search was performed  a multipurpose restrictive procedure for obese patients. 14-17  It
            using Highwire press, Springer link, Medline, Medscape and Google,  is now becoming more common as a single-stage operation for
            and article bibliographies to identify relevant evidence. Included studies  the treatment of morbid obesity. It however appears that the
            must have reported outcome data for more than 40 patients aged 20  volume of gastric tissue excised greatly affects weight loss.
            years and above with a minimum of one 1-year follow-up. The operating  Hence it is said that a removed gastric volume of < 500 cc might
            time, complications, blood loss, hospital stay, morbidity and mortality,  be a predictor of failure in treatment or early weight regain,
            and quality of life were reviewed.                 though a safe and effective restrictive bariatric procedure. 16,17
            Results: The total number of patients enrolled was 4,519; the specific  Both LASGB and LSG have their drawbacks and the current
            procedure totals were 3,714 for LAGB and 805 for LSG. The age  literature is scarce concerning which approach is superior. The
            range of the population studied was 13-79 years for LSG and 18-65  goal of this review is to compare the effectiveness and safety of
            years for LAGB. The sex distribution had a male:female ratio of 1:4  LASGB and LSG in the treatment of morbid obesity by reviewing
            for LAGB and 1:3 for LSG. The overall complication rate in this  the methods of patient selection, operative time, conversion
            review varied from 1.7-11. 80% for LSG and 0.2-24% for LAGB.
                                                               rate, complications, blood loss, postoperative morbidity and
            Conclusion: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy though, forms a safe  mortality, hospital stay, and quality of life.
            surgical option for weight loss treatment particularly in the very-
            very-obese patients (BMI > 60 kg/m ). LASGB gives satisfactory
            results and coupled with reversibility and low cost, it is an important  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            tool in the long-term management of patients with morbid obesity.  A systematic literature search of articles published between
            Keywords:  Laparoscopic adjustable silicon gastric banding,  January 1, 2000 and March 24, 2009 was performed using
            laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, bariatric surgery.  Highwire press, Springerlink, Medline and Google. Further
                                                               articles were identified from the reference lists of retrieved
            INTRODUCTION                                       literature. A meta-analysis was impossible because of
                                                               inconsistencies in the various reports. A simple percentage
            The health and economic impact of obesity remain a global  was therefore used as recorded in the various articles.
            dilemma. 1-10  This has resulted in excallating research modalities
            to combate the disease. It has been shown that surgery provides  ARTICLE INCLUSION CRITERIA
            a long-term solution to the problem of obesity by reducing
            mortality by 31.6% compared with nonoperative methods. 11  All patients must have been age more than 20 years at the time
            The advent of minimal access surgery has revolutionized patient  of surgery. The study must have appeared in a peer-reviewed

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