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Laparoscopic Adjustable Silicon Gastric Banding versus Sleeve Gastrectomy
            journal as an English language article. The study must have  LASGB (83% women) and 40 (22-65) years for LSG (77%
            presented a universally accepted procedure in a specialized  women). Nocca et al studied 163 patients (68% women) with
            laparoscopic institution with statistical case analysis and  an average age of 41.57 years who underwent LSG.  Turker
            reported data on more than 40 patients. For weight or BMI data,  et al studied LSG patients with a mean age of 42 ( 13-79) years
            only data at least one year after surgery were considered. No  and Weiner R et al studied 984 LASGB patients with a mean age
            minimum follow-up for other outcomes was considered. For  of 37.9 (18-65) years. 12,17  Other studies in the LASGB and LSG
            quality-of-life outcomes, the study should have measured  group had patients with similar age group. 18-22
            quality of life before and after surgery. Data on comparative
            studies where only included if values on LASGB and LSG were  MEAN BODY MASS INDEX
            clearly indicated and randomized. In cases of multiple reports  The mean BMI in both study groups were similar. Himpens
            from the same surgical center, double-counting of patients was  worked on patients with a mean BMI of 37 (30-47) for LASGB
            avoided by including data and outcomes that were based on  and 39 (30-53) for LSG (Not significant).  Uglioni reported on
            the largest number of patients and still meeting the other  70 patients with a mean BMI of 46 (35-61) kg/m in SLG study
            inclusion criteria.                                group in an attempt to find out the early and midterm results of
                                                               laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) as an isolated primary
            RESULTS                                            and secondary operation after failed gastric banding.  Similarly,
                                                               Nocca et al reported on LSG patients whose indications for this
            A total of 703 articles where found. Twelve articles met the  procedure in their study, were morbid obese [body mass index
            inclusion criteria (Table 1). Five investigated LASGB. Six  (BMI) > 40 kg/m ] or severe obese patients (BMI > 35 kg/m )
            investigated LSG. Only one prospective randomized study was  with severe comorbidities (diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension)
            found comparing laparoscopic gastric banding and laparoscopic  together with high-volume eating disorders and super-obese
            sleeve gastrectomy. The total number of patients enrolled was  patients (BMI > 50 kg/m ).  Fuks et al reported on the data of
                                                                                   2 19
            4,519; the specific procedure totals were 3,714 for LASGB and  135 consecutive patients undergoing LSG between July 2004
            805 for LSG. The age range of the population studied was  and October 2007 prospectively. In this study, LSG was
            13-79 years for LSG and 18-65 years for LASGB. The sex  indicated only for weight reduction with a body mass index
            distribution had a male : female ratio of 1:4 for LASGB and 1:3  (BMI) > 40 or > 35 kg/m  associated with severe comorbidity. 23
            for LSG. Two of the reports are from the United States, two from  Their aim was to evaluate the efficacy of LSG procedure on
            Germany, three from France, one from Belgium, one from the  weight loss, and short-term outcome. Preoperative mean body
            UK, one from South Korea, one from Australia, and one from  weight was 120.7 kg and mean body mass index (BMI) was 44.3
            Switzerland.                                       kg/m  in the study of Zinzindohoue et al. 21
            PATIENT SELECTION                                  OPERATIVE TIME, HOSPITAL STAY AND MORTALITY
            In a prospective randomized study between laparoscopic gastric  Only three of the 12 articles reported the details of the operative
            banding and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, Himpens et al  time. Two of these were in the LSG and one in the LASGB
            studied 80 patients with a mean age of 36 (20-61) years for  group. Fuks et al reported a mean operating time of 103 minutes

                                                 Table 1: Results of articles studied
             Study           Date of surgery      LASGB     LSG       No receiving  Mean age          Mean BMI
             Weiner et al 20  1994-2002           Yes       –            984       Not indicated      46.8 ± 7.2
             Weiner et al 17  Not reported        –         Yes          120       Not indicated      Not indicated
             Nocca et al 19  2003-2006            –         Yes          163       41.57              45.9
             Tucker et al 12  2004-2007           –         Yes          147       42  (13-79)        43.4
             Himpens et al 18  Jan-Dec 2002       Yes       Yes          80        LAGB 36 (20-61)    37  (30-47)
                                                                                   LSG 40 (22-65)     39  (30-53)
             Fuks et al 23   July 2004-Oct 2007   –         Yes          135       40  (18-65)        48.8 (37-72)
             Chevallier et al 24  1996-2003       Yes       –          1,000       40.4 (16.3-66.3)   44.3
             Zinzindohoue et al 106  April 1997-June 2001  Yes  –        500       40.4               44.3
             Singhal et al 13  April 2003-June 2007  Yes    –           1140       Not indicated      44.3 (35-88)
             Sang Moon Han  26  Jan 2003- May 2004  –       Yes          130       Not indicated      Not indicated
             Uglioni et al 22  May 2004-Oct 2007  –         Yes          70        43 (21-65)         46 (35-61)
             Dixon et al 25  Not indicated        Yes       –            50        Not indicated      Not indicated

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