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World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2009;2(1):35-39
                                         Laparoscopic Treatment of Hepatic Hydatid Disease
            Laparoscopic Treatment of Hepatic

            Hydatid Disease

            Alaa Bakir Raheem
            Department of General Surgery, Hilla Teaching General Hospital, Babylon, Iraq

            Abstract                                           2008) and universally widely accepted and recognized was selected.
            The rapid development of laparoscopic techniques revolutionized the  The selected papers were screened for further references. criteria for
            optimum surgical intervention in Echinococcus granulosus disease.  selection of literatures were the number of cases (more than 50 cases).
            The procedure was shown to be feasible and safe, offering the  Methods of analyses whether statistical or nonoperative procedures
            advantages of laparoscopic surgery. Sience the first report on the long-  only universally accepted chosen and the institution where the study
            term follow-up of this operation in a large group of patients. 1
                                                               was done in specialized institutions for laparoscopic surgery.
            Background: Echinococcal disease is still a serious health problem in  During this study we observed that patient response to surgical
            certain parts of the world.                        trauma, hospital hostility, rapid turn over of hospital beds, cost
               In the human being the liver is the most frequent organ affected.
            The natural history of liver hydatidosis in humans till now is poorly  effectiveness, less morbidity, no mortality, early resuming normal
            understood and Different morphological appearances was observed. 2  usual activity, minimal postoperative complication, reduced operative
               Over recent decades, various reports have been published  time, early recovery from general anesthesia, decreasing risk of surgery,
            comparing standard surgical and more conservative modalities for the  access to certain locations difficult to be approached in open surgery
            treatment of the disease. Although Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery  all these parameters are better in minimally access surgery than in

            (HALS) has been proposed as a useful alternative to conventional  open conventional surgery.

            open orlaparoscopic surgery and seems tobe a promising technique in
            laparoscopic treatment of hydatid cyst which has been applied with  INTRODUCTION

            success as well as with a wide range of digestive tract–related surgical
            procedures. Gasless laparoscopy also had been introduced in the  Hydatid cyst is zoonotic disease with a worldwide distribution
            treatment of liver hydrated and has the advantage of permitting the use  and is endemic in many cattle-raising regions of the

            of conventional instruments during minimally invasive procedures  Mediterranean,middle and far east, South America, Australia,

            with a promising results. With many advantages regarding technique. 4  and in certain areas in North America.  Most cases are caused

            Keywords: Laparoscopic management of liver hydatid cysts,  by the cestode tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus that is

            Echinococcus granulosus.                           found in the small bowel of carnivores.  In this disease the

                                                               human is intermediatehost. The parasite exists only inits larval
            Aims and objectives: Many review articles was written all over the
            worlds regarding precautions, accessibility, operative risks, remote  form, other species  Echinococcus  multilocularis is rare
            satisfaction in operative results and duration of free disease following  occurrence and not include in the study .
            prolonged regular follow-up.                          Complications include cyst rupture with intraperitoneal

               The aims of this study was to compare the effectiveness and  dissemination of disease, anaphylactic reaction, pressure on

            safety of laparoscopic intervention and conventional open surgery  contiguous organs, secondary infection, and intrabiliary tree
            that practiced decades of years ago and regarded as standard modality  rupture of cyst causing obstructive jaundice. The old standard
            treatment of hepatic Echinococcus granulosus disease. The following  approach in the treatment of liver cysts is open surgery; the
            parameters were evaluated for both laparoscopic and open procedures  principles and various techniques have been extensively

            modalities.                                        reviewed, 6,9,10  whoever laparoscopicsurgical techniques to treat

               Methods of patients selection, operative technique, operating  hydatid cysts of the liver have been gradually introduced. 11,12

            time, intraoperative and postoperative complications, postoperative
            pain and amount of pain killers. Time until resumption of diet, post-  Although reported to be successful,the series are still in going,

            operative morbidity, hospital stay, cost effectiveness, and quality  no one of the both methods has been reported to be out of risk
            of life analyses.                                  from above mentioned complications.
                                                                  In the last decade laparoscopic treatment of hepatic hydatid
            Material and methods: A literature search was performed using Medline
            and the search engine Google, Springer link and Highwire press. The  disease has been increasingly popular and has undergone a

            following search terms used: laparoscopic management of liver hydatid  revolutionparallel to the progress in laparoscopic surgery. There

            cysts Echinococcus granulosus. There were over thousand of literatures  areencouraging preliminary results; however, there have been

            and papers published discussing this subject. Most recent (2000-  limitedreports concerning long-term results of this technique. 13
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