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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is Safe in the Elderly Patients
            DISCUSSION                                              Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Elderly Patients with Acute
                                                                    Cholecystitis: Arch Surg 2000;135:457-62.
            Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has gained a lot of attention  2. Dhoste K, Lacoste L, Karayan J, Lehuede MS, Thomas D,

            around the world. However, the role of (LC) in elderly, remain  Fusciardi J. Haemodynamic and ventilatory changes during

            controversial.                                          laparoscopic cholecystectomy in elderly ASA III patients:
               Several controlled trials have been conducted, some are in  Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie:
            favour of laparoscopy, others not .The goal of this review was  Volume 43, Number 8/August, 1996.

            to as certain that if the (LC) in elderly is safe and superior to the  3. Shih-Ping Cheng, Yuan-Ching Chang, Chien-Liang Liu, Tsen-

            conventional, and if so what are the benefit and how it could it  Long Yang, Kuo-Shyang Jeng, Jie-Jen Lee and Tsang-Pai Liu:
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