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Management of the Normal Appendix during Laparoscopy for Right Iliac Fossa Pain
                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2009;2(2):15-17

            Management of the Normal Appendix during

            Laparoscopy for Right Iliac Fossa Pain

            E Jane H Turner, Robin Lightwood
            Department of Surgery, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Avenue, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH, United Kingdom
            Correspondence: E Jane H Turner, Department of Surgery, East Surrey Hospital, Canada Avenue, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5RH
            United Kingdom, E-mail:

            Abstract                                              Many patients are unsure as to whether their appendix has
            The advent of laparoscopic surgery raises the question of what to do  been removed. Murphy et al 2001 reported that of 176 patients
            with a normal appendix at laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain of  who had laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain 61% were under
            uncertain origin. We assess the views of all members of the Association  the misapprehension that their appendix had been removed. 9
            of Laparoscopic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ALSGBI) via  They suggest that the removal of a normal appendix adds little
            means of a survey. Of 135 responses to the questionnaire 61% of  to the morbidity of laparoscopy and that the appendix should
            surgeons remove a macroscopically normal appendix and 26% do  be removed regardless of its appearance at laparoscopy.  This
            not. 13% of surgeons do not commit. Of those removing a normal
            appendix the most common reasons given were the possibility of  is supported by studies where incidental appendicectomy has
            endoluminal appendicitis (87%) and avoiding future confusion as to  been performed during total abdominal hysterectomy  and
            whether the appendix had been removed (64%). When asked whether  cystectomy. 12   However other studies report increased
            there were sufficient guidelines on this topic 68% said no, 6% said yes  complications following the removal of a normal appendix. 13-17
            and 5% were unsure. 16% said that it was a matter for common sense  Data on follow-up of patients who have not had their
            rather than guidelines and 5% felt that the evidence was contradictory.  appendix removed suggest that it is safe to leave a normal
            This study highlights a lack of consensus in the management of a
            normal appendix found at laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain and  appendix in place. Van den Broek et al 2000 reported a
            demonstrates most surgeons feel guidelines would be useful. In the  prospective study of 109 diagnostic laparoscopies for suspected
            absence of guidelines the options may be discussed with the patient  appendicitis where the appendix was left in place if it looked
            before operation.                                  normal. There were 9 readmissions with only one requiring an
            Keywords:  Laparoscopic appendicectomy, normal appendix,  appendicectomy.  Van Dalen et al 2003 reported a prospective
            diagnostic laparoscopy                             randomised study of 63 patients with 10 years follow-up.
                                                               Patients found at laparoscopy to have a normal appearing
            INTRODUCTION                                       appendix were randomised to laparoscopy + open
                                                               appendicectomy or laparoscopy only. No patients in the
            The lifetime risk of developing appendicitis in the USA is 8.6%  diagnostic laparoscopy group developed appendicitis
            for men and 6.7% for women.  In the era of open    subsequently.  Teh et al 2000 reported that of 41 patients who
            appendicectomy15-30% of appendices removed were normal. 2,3  had laparoscopy alone for a normal appendix 13 continued to
            Scoring systems have been put forward as an aid to diagnosis. 4  have symptoms and 2 eventually had their normal appendix
            Ultrasound is user dependent and while computed tomography  removed. 20
            may be diagnostic it involves exposure to radiation.  In this study we assess the practice of members of ALSGBI
               There is a lack of consensus in the literature over what to  and their views on whether guidelines are desirable.
            do with a normal appendix. The main argument for removing a
            normal appendix is that endoluminal appendicitis may not be  MATERIAL AND METHODS
            recognized at operation leading to concern that an abnormal
            appendix is left in place. This may result in the need for  A literature review was performed using the Pubmed database
            subsequent appendicectomy.  Endoluminal appendicitis is  and searching using the words laparoscopy and normal
            reported in 11-58% of apparently normal appendices  appendix.
            removed. 5,7,8  Navez argues that since endoluminal appendicitis  Following questionnaire was sent to 588 members of
            is confined to the mucosa it does not cause localized pain and  ALSGBI:
            questions whether there is progression to suppurative  Do you perform laparoscopic appendicectomies?
            appendicitis. 7                                       Approximately what proportion of these are in females?

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