Page 9 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 9

Laparoscopic Dismembered Pyeloplasty: Our Experience in 15 Cases

            15 pyeloplasties with an average follow-up of 10.6 months  was used for telescope. The second port was placed at the mid
            (ranging from 4 to 16 months).                     spino umbilical line. 5 mm or 10 mm port was used. The third
                                                               port (5 mm) was placed subcostally so as to make on equilateral
            METHODS                                            triangle with the previous ports and a diamond with the renal
                                                               angle. The fourth port was placed in the loin at a later time as
                                                               and when required. The fourth port (5 mm) was used mainly to
            From May 2006 to September 2007, a total of 15 laparoscopic  retract the kidney laterally.
            pyeloplasties were performed at our center. Patients included 8  All patients had dismembered Anderson Hynes pyeloplasty
            males and 7 females aged 8 to 57 years (mean age 29.8 years).  The colon was mobilized by incising the peritoneum laterally.
            9 out of 15 patients had right sided PUJ obstruction whereas  The ureter was identified and dissected in cephalad direction to
            only 6 patients had left sided lesion. Flank pain was the  achieve mobilization of the ipsilateral proximal ureter, UPJ and
            commonest presentation (9 patients, 60%). Other symptoms  renal pelvis. One trans cutaneous stay suture was taken on the
            were dysuria (6 patients, 40%), fever (2 patients, 13.3%) hematuria  anterior wall of pelvis to spread it which also helped in suturing.
            (1 patient, 6.6%). One patient (6.6%) was asymptomatic. All  The anterior wall of renal pelvis was incised. Spatulation of the
            patients had radiographic evidence of UPJ obstruction on  ureter was done on the lateral aspect with the posterior wall
            diuretic renography or HN with delayed function on excretory  intact. Subsequently the posterior wall was divided. In cases
            urography. All patients had primary PUJ obstruction. Four out  where direction of the scissors could not be brought in line
            of 15 patients had stones present in the ipsilateral kidneys.  with the ureter, the spatulation was done after the circumferential
            Retrograde pyelography with DJ stenting on the ipsilateral side  transection of the pelvis. In that case, a marking suture was put
            was done in cases where the pelvis was hugely dilated and if  on the medial aspect of the ureter before complete transaction.
            the patients presented with fever and loin pain and when the  Suturing was done intracorporeally with vicryl 4-0 suture on a
            anatomy was not properly delineated. Radiographic success  20 mm needle. First the posterior half of the uretero pelvic
            was defined as improved drainage on diuretic renography. IVP  anastomosis was done with a running suture beginning at the
            was done at 1 year of follow-up mainly to compare the anatomy  apex of the spatulated ureter. Then the DJ stent was placed and
            of the PUJ preoperatively and postoperatively in our initial cases  then the anterior wall suturing performed. Reduction of pelvis
            of laparoscopic pyeloplasty.                       wherever required was done. If a crossing vessel was present,
                                                               the ureter was transposed anterior to the crossing vessel.
            PROCEDURE                                          Removal of any associated calculus was tried. In case of calyceal
                                                               calculi, rigid ureteroscope was used through a 10 mm working
            All patients were kept on liquid diet for 1 day and T. Dulcolax  port. 20 Fr drain was placed through a 5 mm trocar site.10 mm
            was given in a dose of 2 tablets HS for 2 days. Patients were
            given parenteral cephalosporin and Amikacin at the time of  port sites were closed in 2 layers and 5 mm ports were closed
                                                               with only skin sutures. The steps of surgery are illustrated in
            induction of anesthesia and these antibiotics were continued  Figures 1A and B.
            postoperatively till the time of drain removal. All procedures  Postoperatively, clear liquid diet was initiated on the post
            were performed under general anesthesia. A Foley’s catheter  operative day 1. The Foley’s catheter was removed after 2 days
            was placed in the bladder and a nasogastric tube was inserted
            to decompress bladder and stomach. All patients were placed  and the drain was removed once it was less than 50 cc. Tramadol
                                                               was used routinely in the postoperative period for pain relief.
            in lateral decubitus position with proper padding of pressure  Skin sutures were removed on 10th postoperative day.
            areas. The kidney rest was elevated and table flexed to stretch  Cystoscopy and DJ stent removal was done at 6 weeks
            the flank. Compression crepe bandages were applied to legs.  after surgery. DTPA renogram was done at 3 months and one
               All procedures were carried out by the transperitoneal
            approach. The access to the peritoneal cavity was obtained  year. IVP was done at 1 year after surgery to look for patent
                                                               PUJ, reduction in the grade of hydronephrosis and redundant
            with open technique. Pneumoperitoneum was created with an  pelvis and improved drainage. Patients were examined clinically
            insufflation rate of 5 l/min and the insufflation continued till an  at 3, 6 and 12 months.
            abdominal pressure of 15 mm Hg. 30° telescope was used. The
            first port (10 mm) was introduced at the lateral border of rectus
            muscle above the umbilicus. The exact level of the port was  RESULTS
            decided by the configuration of the pelvis and the anatomical  Only one out of 15 patients required conversion to open
            position of PUJ and the body habitus of the patient. This port  approach where the pelvis and ureter were friable and not

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