Page 15 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 15

E Jane H Turner, Robin Lightwood

               In a patient undergoing laparoscopy for right iliac fossa  When asked whether there were sufficient guidelines on
            pain with an uncertain diagnosis, if the appendix appears normal  this topic 68% said no, 6% said yes  and 5% were unsure. 16%
            and there is no other pathology do you remove the appendix?  said that it was a matter for common sense rather than guidelines
               If yes, is this for any of the following reasons?  and felt that clinical judgment was needed as opposed to
            •  To prevent future appendicitis                  guidelines. 5% felt that the evidence was contradictory making
            •  For possible endoluminal appendicitis (inflammation of the  it difficult to issue guidelines.
               mucosa of the appendix with an externally normal appendix)
            •  To avoid future confusion for the patient as to whether or  DISCUSSION
               not they have an appendix                       Of those who responded to the questionnaire 98% were
            •  Other (please specify).                         currently performing laparoscopic appendicectomy. However
               Do you feel that there are sufficient clear guidelines on this  only 23% of the population surveyed responded to it. Most
            topic? If so from what source?                     often laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain is performed in women
                                                               who may have gynecological conditions which can mimic
            RESULTS                                            appendicitis.
                                                                  61% of surgeons always remove the appendix and the most
            135 (23%) responded to the questionnaire. 134 answered all  common reason given was the possibility of endoluminal
            questions, of which 98% currently perform laparoscopic  appendicitis followed by the avoidance of future confusion as
            appendicectomy. 62% perform laparoscopy for right iliac fossa  to whether the patient has an appendix. Both these arguments
            pain mostly in females and 4% only in females. 4% perform  are backed up by data in the literature. However 44% remove an
            laparoscopy mostly in males and for 28% sex does not affect  appendix to prevent future appendicitis for which there is no
            the decision. 2% were unsure of the sex distribution of their  evidence.
            patients.                                             68% felt there were no adequate guidelines for surgeons to
               61% of surgeons remove a macroscopically normal appendix  follow. However since the available evidence is contradictory it
            at laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain of unknown origin and  does not at present allow the formulation of clear guidelines.
            26% do not. 13% of surgeons do not commit either way.  The 16% who said that clinical judgment was more important
               Of those removing a normal appendix the most common  are justified in their view.
            reasons given were the possibility of endoluminal appendicitis  This leaves the question of what should be done to satisfy
            (87%) and to avoid future confusion as to whether the appendix  the demand for clear guidelines found in this survey. A large
            had been removed (64%). Some (44%) remove a normal appendix  prospective randomized multicenter clinical trial would provide
            to prevent future appendicitis and 38% gave various other  the evidence but would prove logistically difficult and if patients
            reasons (Table 1).                                 were to be blinded to their operation an accessible data base
                                                               would be mandatory. Possibly a more feasible study (admittedly
             Table 1: Reasons for removing a ‘normal’ appendix in the groups  with a lower level of evidence) would be a large multicenter
                that always remove or sometimes remove the appendix  study on the long-term follow-up of all patients who have had
                                                               a normal appendix left in situ after diagnostic laparoscopy for
            Reason                                   Percent
                                                               right iliac fossa pain as previous similar studies have low
            Endoluminal appendicitis                     87    numbers of patients making it difficult to form conclusions. 18-20
            To avoid future confusion as to whether it was  64  Meanwhile it is suggested that in the absence of guidelines the
            removed                                            options are discussed with the patient before the procedure
            Prevention of future appendicitis            44    and that they are made fully aware that there are arguments for
            Recurrent pain to clarify diagnosis           7    both removing and leaving the appendix.
            To remove as a future diagnosis of nonspecific  6     In conclusion, this study shows that there is a lack of
            abdominal pain                                     consensus in the management of a normal appendix found at
            Continuing pain                               6    laparoscopy for right iliac fossa pain and most surgeons feel
            Ease of procedure/Doesn’t add to morbidity    5    that guidelines would be useful. In the absence of guidelines
            Patient satisfaction                          3    the options may be discussed with the patient before their
            Fecolith giving rise to colic                 3    operation as part of the consent procedure.
            To exclude other pathology                    3
            Same rationale as open                        2
            Training of juniors                           1    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
            Surgeon more content                          1    We would like to thank Jenny Treglohan and Michael Parker
            Possible missed diagnosis                     1    (ALSGBI) for their invaluable assistance with the questionnaire.

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