Page 11 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 11

Laparoscopic Dismembered Pyeloplasty: Our Experience in 15 Cases

                               Table1: Table showing the success rate of laparoscopic pyeloplasty in different series

                Study                  N          A-H                  Surgical       Success      Follow-
                                                  pyeloplasties,n(%)   approach       rate (%)     up(months)
                Tan HL 11              16            16(100)           Trans          87.5%           –
                Schussler et al 3       5             5(100)           Trans            80%           –
                Jarret et al 7        100             71(71)           Trans            97%           31
                Young et al 9          60            56(93.3)          Trans          95.7%           19
                Simforoosh N et al 10  37           19(51.35)          Trans          83.8%           16.5
                Eden et al 8           50            50(100)           Retro            98%           19
                Soulie et al 5         55             48(87)           Retro            87%           14
                Our series             15             15(100)          Trans         86.66%           10.6

            DISCUSSION                                         prenatally detected PUJO.  Thus there may be a time dependent
                                                               relation between the development of adult PUJO and the
            Laparoscopic pyeloplasty has developed worldwide as the first  presence of crossing vessel. The identification of crossing
            minimally invasive option to match the success rates of open  vessels tends to be higher in laparoscopic than in open surgery. 6
            pyeloplasty, while achieving the added goals of low morbidity,
            short hospital stay and convalescence. The success rate of our  The explanation for this difference may lie in the minimal
            cohort was 86.66% with a median follow-up period of 10.6 months  mobilization of the kidney needed during the laparoscopic
            which compares favorably with other series as shown in  procedure to acess the PUJ, in contrast to the open pyeloplasty
            Table 1.                                           in which the entire kidney needs to be mobilized and rotated
               The operative time decreased with increasing surgeons  medially to expose the pelviureteric segment.  Van Cangh et al
            experience and standardization of the operative steps.  showed the negative association between the presence of
            Laparoscopic pyeloplasty allows the surgeon to perform the  crossing vessel and the success rate of endopyelotomy.
            operative steps similar to those in open pyeloplasties such as  Crossing vessels are an important consideration in managing
            dissection, transection and suturing. However, it is a difficult  PUJO even though the relative contribution of crossing vessels
            procedure that requires careful ureteral dissection and  to the pathophysiology of the individual PUJO will probably
            considerable proficiency in the intracorporeal suturing. 12  always be difficult to quantify as there are subtle differences in
            Standardization of a surgeons steps and introduction of  vessel size, distance from and relation to the PUJ, degree of
            additional techniques specific for laparoscopic surgery can help  hydronephrosis, level of kidney function and the presence of
            to overcome the difficulties and enhance the performance.  periureteric and perivascular bands and adhesions. Incidence
            Towards this end, we placed a transcutaneous suture in the  of crossing vessels reported in retroperitoneal series is lower
            medial edge of the redundant renal pelvis just below the renal  than those reported in most transperitoneal studies. And a
            vein. We found this step very useful in the transection and  retroperitoneal surgeon is less likely to transpose the anterior
            suturing as it tends to open up the pelvis and acts as a stay  crossing vessel arguing that the ureter is lying naturally and
            suture holding the anterior and the posterior walls of the pelvis  anatomically as the most posterior structure in the
            apart. We also tried taking a stay suture on the ureter in our  retroperitoneum as evidenced in the series of Eden CG et al. Still
            initial cases, but it caused entanglement of the sutures and so  there is no apparent difference in the success rate of
            to avoid confusion this step was omitted in the subsequent  transperitoneal or retroperitoneal laparoscopic pyeloplasty
            cases.                                             .Precise plastic repair of the PUJ is most important for the
               Crossing vessels were observed in 7 out of 15 (46.7%)  success rate of pyeloplasty with the crossing vessel either
            patients. The contribution of crossing vessels to the functional  transposed or translocated cephalad from the PUJ area, as per
            obstruction of the PUJ is an area of controversy. There is a  the individual case.  4
            higher incidence of crossing vessels as detected by color  The necessity for reduction of the renal pelvis might be
            Doppler ultrasonography, in relation to kidneys with known  controversial. We do not reduce the pelvis when it is small and
            PUJO (79%) than in kidneys with no PUJO (35%).  Crossing  has active peristalsis. However, in a large pelvis with poor
            vessels are commoner in adult kidneys (50 to 80%) with PUJO  movement, we actively consider reduction, particularly when
            than in pediatric kidneys with PUJO (30%) and absent in  the reduction in necessary to give the PUJ a funnel like shape.

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