Page 33 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 33

Majid A Hamood

                                                               passed into the abdomen until the olive is visible below the
                                                               peritoneum. The instrument is then positioned in a plane
                                                               perpendicular to the trocar incision to expose the needle and
                                                               pass it through the peritoneum and fascia until it exits the skin
                                                               incision.The end of the suture is grasped and tagged with
                                                               ahemostat. The needle is dropped back into the olive, and the
                                                               instrument is rotated 180°. The olive is again dropped to expose
                                                               the needle, which is again passed through the peritoneum and
                                                               fascia. After removal of the Endo-Judge, the suture is tied,
                                                               creating a secure, airtight fascial and peritoneal closure.
                                                                  The 2 mm trocar technique. Reardon et al.  A 2 mm trocar
                                                               and sleeve are introduced adjacent to the port whose entry site
                                                               will be closed. A monofilamentheavy-gauge suture with the
                                                               needle removed is passed through the lumen of the 2 mm sleeve.
                                                               The 2 mm sleeve is then removed over the suture, after which
                      Figs 6A to F: Carter-Thomason device
                                                               the 2 mm trocar and sleeve are reintroduced through the
                                                               opposing fascial edge 180° from the original insertion site. The
            passer to push suture material through the Pilot guide, fascia,  trocar is removed, and a 2 mm grasper is passed through the
            muscle, and peritoneum into the abdomen, then drop the suture  sleeve and used to retrieve the intra-abdominal end of the suture.
            and remove the suture passer) (Fig. 6C), (2) push the suture
            passer through the opposite side of the pilot guide and pick up  THE 5 mm TROCAR TECHNIQUE
            the suture (Fig. 6D), (3)pull the suture up through the
            peritoneum, muscle, fascia, and guide (Fig. 6E), and (4) remove  Rastogi and Dy  developed a simple technique using the
            the Pilot guide and tie (Fig. 6F). Designed specifically for  regular curved needle and sutures for closure of peritoneal and
            bariatric and obese patients. The suture passer and Pilot guides  rectus sheath defects at the port site. Using a 5 mm telescope,
            have been lengthened to reach through the peritoneum in the  they inspect the defect from the inside, and then pass a hemostat
            larger patient to provide full-thickness closure in this at-risk  through the incision. Under direct telescopic vision, the
            group. 23                                          peritoneum and rectus sheath are grasped at both the upper
                                                               and lower edges and pulled through the incision,facilitating the
            ENDO-JUDGE DEVICE                                  passage of the needle. Chatzipapaset et al.  developed a similar
                                                               closure technique using standard sutures with straight needles,
            The Endo-Judge wound closure device (Figs 7A to F), a 14  a 5 mm laparoscopic grasper, and a 4 mm hysteroscope.
            gauge hollow J-shaped needle that serves as a carrier for suture
            material and adevice for performing the fascial closure. The  TAHOE SURGICAL INSTRUMENT LIGATURE DEVICE
            suture is mounted on a reel at the proximal end of the device
            and fed to the hollow needle until it is delivered out the needle  It is disposable. Initially, the laparoscopic cannula is removed.
            tip. The plastic oval shield (olive) at the J-portion of the needle  A 0-absorbable suture is placed into the hollow delivery Tahoe
            maintains pneumoperitoneum and prevents injury to underlying  needle without extension beyond the distal end of the needle
            structures. Reverdin and Deschamps needle can also be used  (Fig. 8A). The device is introduced into the abdomen after the
            same way to close the port (Figs 13A and B). It is controlled by  needles are first inserted through the two holes on an
            asliding ring located on the shaft of the instrument. The device  introduction disk. The needle tips are then guided to pierce the
            should be used under direct visualization. The Endo-Judge is  fascia on either side of the port site. The lock is released, and
                                                               the handle is depressed until the metal retrieval loop is extended
                                                               and encompasses the tip and distal shaft of the delivery needle.
                                                               The suture is fed into the delivery needle until it lies several
                                                               inches beyond the distal end of the delivery needle and through
                                                               the retrieval loop (Fig. 8B). The handle is released, allowing the
                                                               retrieval loop to retract, thereby securing the suture in the closed
                                                               metal loop. The entire device is withdrawn from the abdomen
                                                               (Fig. 8C), thus delivering the tow ends of the suture onto the
                                                               abdominal wall. The suture is tied, approximating the peritoneum
                                                               and fascia. 24

                                                               EXIT DISPOSABLE PUNCTURE CLOSURE DEVICE
                                                               A 10 mm instrument with arecessed right-angle needle that can
                        Figs 7A to F: Endo-Judge device        be exposed by rotating a dial at the top of the instrument. The
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