Page 31 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 31

Majid A Hamood

            2nd group: Without laparoscopic visualization (must be seen
            by surgeon, no telescope).

            FIRST GROUP

            The manipulation of this group is performed from inside the
            abdomen under direct visualization, the maximum safety in
            avoiding visceral injuries. These techniques include Maciol
            needles, the Grice needle, catheter or spinal needles, the
            endoclose device, and the Gor-Tex device, Reverdin, Deschamps
            needles, Semm's emergency needle with adistal eyelet; the
            modified Veress needle with a slitmade in the retractable brunt
            tip; dental awl with aneye; prolene 2/0 on a straight needle
            aided by a Veress needle; a straight needle armed with
            suture;Autostitch (United states surgical), a modified Veress
            needle bearing a crochet hook at the tip, veress needle loop
            technique. 29
               Grice needles Used by Stringer et al,  A Grice needle (Figs
            1A and B) was inserted at an angle along the side of a lateral
            trocar. Under direct laparoscopic visualization, the needle was
            placed through both the peritoneum and the fascia. Within the
            abdomen, the suture was grasped and removed from the Grice
            needle with a grasper inserted from the opposite trocar. The
            Grice needle then was removed and reinserted opposite the  Figs 2A to C: (A) Maciol suture needle set (B and C)
            previous puncture, again at an angle along the trocar. The suture      Maciol needles
            was regrasped with the Grice needle and pulled out of the
            abdomen. After complete removal of the trocar, the suture was
            tied under direct laparoscopic visualization.
               Maciol needles. Contarini  reported using Maciol needles
            (Core Dynamics, Inc. Jacksonville, FL, USA, Maciol needles
            (Fig. 2A) are a set of three needles: Two black handled
            introducers, one straight and one curved, and a golden-handle
            retriever. The introducer needle (needle with an eye) is used to
            pass the suture through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal
            cavity from the subcutaneous tissue (Fig. 2B). The retriever
            needle (needle with a barb) is next passed into the abdomen on
            the opposite side of the defect to retrieve the suture, then pulled

                                                               Figs 3A to C: Vein catheter, spinal cord needle, and angiocath needle

                                                               back through the tissue (Fig. 2C). The procedure is performed
                                                               under direct laparoscopic visualization before trocar withdrawal
                                                               and does not require any enlargement of the skin incision.
                                                                  Vein catheter, angiocath needle, and spinal cord needle.
                                                               Nadler et al.  used a venous catheter (Fig. 3A). direct
                                                               laparoscopic visualization to secure the abdominal wall fascia
                                                               and peritoneum, (Fig. 3B). A continuously running
                                                               nonabsorbable 0-polypropylene suture is inserted through a
                                                               15 gauge needle, which penetrates all subcutaneous layers
                                                               including the fascia, going around the umbilical opening at a 45
                                                               degree angle to create a purse string. The needle penetrates the
                                                               fascia at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm from the trocar site. After the
                                                               first insertion of the needle, an endograsp forceps is used to
                          Figs 1A and B: Grice needle          pull the free suture edge into the abdomen Then the needle, still

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