Page 32 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Different Port Closure Techniques in Laparoscopy Surgery

            holding the suture, is reinserted at the next point and, with the
            use of the forceps, the free intra-abdominal edge of the suture
            is locked through the loop that has been created. This maneuver
            is repeated another three times until the purse string is fashioned.
            In the final step, the suture edge, which is pulled by the last
            loop, and the needle are withdrawn outside the abdomen near
            the site of first needle insertion, and both edges of the suture
            are tied up onto the fascia, angiocath needle to perform the
            same closure technique (Fig. 3C). The large 10 mm trocar is
            removed, and the pneumoperitoneum is maintained in all
            abdominal trocar wounds 10 mm or larger simply by placement
            of a gloved finger over the top of the wound. A 14 gauge
            angiocath needle with the sheath removed is preloaded with a
            50 cm length of 0- braided polyglactin suture. The angiocath
            and suture are inserted through all fascia layers on one side of
            the laparoscopic wound with laparoscopic visualization.       Figs 4A to C: Endoclose suture device
            Carefully, the needle and suture are placed in the exact middle
            of one side of the trocar wound. The surgeon or surgical
            assistant grasps the suture through a previously made 5 mm
            port. The needle is removed, and the suture is pulled a short
            distance (10-15 cm) into the abdominal cavity. A 5 mm grasping
            instrument is inserted directly through the subxiphoid or any
            large trocar wound, and the suture is grasped. The 5 mm grasping
            instrument and suture are removed from the abdominal cavity.
            The four steps are repeated by passing another preloaded
            angiocath needle and suture through the midpoint of the other
            side of the trocar wound. The suture is brought out through the
            same trocar hole. The ends of the suture are tied together with
            several square knots. The knot is reduced into the peritoneal
            cavity by pulling on one or both ends of the tied suture. The
            knot may be removed by pulling it through the fascia, thereby
            leaving a single strand of suture for closure of the fascia. The  Figs 5A and B: The Gore-Tex suture passer
            fascia is then closed, and the suture is tied under direct vision
            through the laparoscope. 23                        distended by the pneumoperitoneum, the laparoscope is used
               Endoclose suture device. This is a disposable endoclose  to view the trocar site to be closed. The end of the trocar should
            device (Tyco Auto Suture International, Inc. Norwalk, CT, USA)  still be visible within the peritoneal cavity.
            with a spring-loaded suture carrier (Fig. 4A) is loaded with a 0-  The suture is loaded into the Gore-Tex Suture Passer, then
            absorbable suture and introduced into the abdomen between  passed through the subcutaneous tissue and fascia on one
            the edge of the skin and the port.The suture is released and  side of the trocar (Fig. 5A). The suture is released from the
            dropped in the abdominal cavity, after which the device is  passer by pushing down on the handle, then grasped
            removed (Fig. 4B). The spring-loaded suture carrier is then  intraperitoneally with a blunt grasper. The suture passer is then
            passed through the fascia and peritoneum 180° degree from the  removed and inserted through the subcutaneous space and
            original insertion site between the skin incision and the port.  fascia on the opposite side of the trocar. The suture is placed
            With the assistance of a 5 mm grasping forceps through a  back in the jaw of the suture passer and locked into position by
            secondary port, the suture is reloaded onto the opened notch  pulling back on the handle (Fig. 5B). The suture is then removed
            in the endoclose needle (Fig. 4C). The device and suture are  by pulling the passer out. Next, the trocar may be removed and
            brought out of the abdomen. The port is removed, and the  the suture tied down.
            suture is tied to approximate the fascia and peritoneum. 23,24
                                                               CARTER-THOMASON DEVICE
                                                               The Carter-Thomason close-sure system (Inlet Medical, Inc.,
            Chapman  used the Gore-Tex suture passer (WL Gore and  Eden Prairie, MN, USA) is of two parts (Figs 6A and B): The
            Associates, Phoenix, AZ, USA), which is a reusable trocar  Pilot guide and the Carter-Thomason suture passer. Closure of
            closure device. With the trocar still in place and the abdomen  the port incision requires four easy steps: (1) use the suture

            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):29-38                         31
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