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Different Port Closure Techniques in Laparoscopy Surgery

                                                               it to the other side of the trocar, to push it in side the veress
                                                               loop, after piercing the abdominal wall, leaving the skin,and
                                                               then remove the trocar, and close the wall by knotting (Figs
                                                               14A to N).

                                                               SECOND GROUP
                                                               Port closure should be performed under direct visualization of
                                                               the surgeon, which requires good insufflation of the abdomen.
                                                               When desufflation is performed, a tactile sense should be used
                                                               to close the port. These techniques are applicable during
                                                               insufflation or after desufflation. These techniques include the
                                                               suture carrier, the dual hemostat technique, the Lowsley
                Figs 8A to C: Tahoe surgical instrument ligature device  retractor, application of bioabsorbable hernia plug in trocar
                                                               sites.  Preliminary placement of fascial stay sutures above and
            device is introduced through the 12 mm laparoscopic port. When  below the prospective trocar site; Foley catheter threaded
            laparoscopically visualized in the abdomen, the right-angle  through the port hole for the elevation of fascial edge upon
            needle assembly is rotated to the open position, thereby  traction; fish-hook needle improvised out of a hypodermic needle
            exposing the needle carrier (Fig. 9A). The device is then pulled  by bending it 180°; Grooved director; U-shaped purse-string
            back up through the port, thereby drawing the needle up through  suture placed in the fascia around the port hole. 21
            the peritoneum and fascia between the skin and the port. The
            skin is pulled away from the tip of the needle to avoid puncture  SUTURE CARRIER
            of the skin. When the needle is seen coming through the
            subcutaneous fat, a 0-absorbable suture is loaded through the  Jorge et al  and Li and Chung developed a hook suture carrier
            hole in the needle (Fig. 9B). The needle and suture, along with  (Figs 10A and B) for closure of trocar wounds, making use of
            the entire device, are pushed back down through the port into  the vertical rather than the horizontal space. The suture carrier
            the abdomen,thereby passing the suture down through the  is a hook suture carrier modified from a simple hook retractor
            fascial and peritoneal layers. The exit device is then rotated  with an eye drilled into the tip through which suture material
            180° to the opposite side of the port (Fig. 9C), and the needle  can be threaded. The handle is 24 cm long, and the size of the
            carrying the suture is again delivered through the fascia and  hook approximates the size of the general closure needle (CT
            peritoneum. The needle is identified in the subcutaneous tissue,  needle; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ, USA). To begin closure, the
            and the suture is pulled from the tip of the needle (Fig. 9D). The  fascial edge is lifted vertically with a hook retractor, and the
            device is returned back in to the abdomen; the needle is closed;  suture carrier is partially inserted into the wound to catch the
            and the closed device is removed through the port (Fig. 9E).  peritoneum and fascia under direct vision, piercing it from the
            The port is removed, and the suture is tied, securing the  undersurface (Fig. 10A). A suture (such as 0-polypropylene) is
            peritoneum and fascia. 24                          threaded into the exposed eye of the carrier and brought beneath
               Veress needle loop technique; used by RK Mishra, making  the fascia. This same suture is then carried to the opposite edge
            a loop by passing nylon suture to veress needle and tied it,  of the wound using the carrier, executing a stitch from inside
            then loadge the vicryl suture to the tip of veress needle, then  out. After the suture is disengaged from the carrier, a simple
            push the veress needle with the loop, through the abdominal  stitch is accomplished with the knot on the surface when tied
            wall, with out piercing the skin, 3 mm away from the trocar site,  (Fig. 10B).
            then remove the veress, leaving the vicryl in side, by putting
            your finger on the vicryl, grasp the vicryl by grasper, and pass  DUAL-HEMOSTAT TECHNIQUE
                                                               Spalding et al  reported the dual-hemostat technique (Figs
                                                               11A and B), which is very simple, using two hemostats and a
                                                               needle driver with suture and needle. The first hemostat is placed
                                                               into the wound, after which the tips are spread open and the
                                                               fascia is lifted up away from the underlying abdominal viscera.
                                                               The second hemostat is used to retract the overlying
                                                               subcutaneous tissue. Then the suture needle is driven through
                                                               the fascia to exits between the splayed tips. The procedure is
                                                               repeated at the opposite side of the wound.

                                                               LOWSLEY RETRACTOR WITH HAND CLOSURE
                                                               This technique uses the straight Lowsley retractor (Circon
                 Figs 9A to E: Exit disposable puncture closure device  ACMI, Stanford, CT, USA), a regular needle driver, and a
            World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, September-December 2009;2(3):29-38                         33
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